Chapter 19: Lighter Mood • But Troubling

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Fell walked around glaring on where he is. "Ugh! What the fuck! I don't know where I am! And where Sci is!" Fell growled as he went around. It felt like he was walking in circles.

Fell sighed as he just gave up and sat back down on a cliff. How did he even end up here? "JUST TAKE ME TO SCI DAMMIT!" He screamed and screeched.

"Hey! Keep it down!" Fell looked as he saw another skeleton trying to get a hold of themselves. "Well I don't give a fuck about you and your 'space bubble' JUST FUCKING GET ME OUTTA HERE!" Fell shouted.

"WELL I DONT KNOW OK! Now just shut up I'm trying to sleep."

The both of them stayed silent.

"Hey what's your name?"

"The fuck you wanna know?"

"Well I wanna know someone's name before I die.

"Fell." Said Fell. "That's it? Such a short name..."

"Just shut the fuck up dumbass."


"Well my names Classic. Nice to meet ya. Sorry if I was grumpy you were just to loud." Said Classic as Fell glared at him even more. "What did you say you fucking piece of shit. I just wanna fucking get out of here and look at you doing nothing."

"Well sorry but i can't guarantee that you'll get out in One Piece." Sans grinned as The both of them just stayed silent while the other was laughing.

"Did you think you'll make puns better then me?"

"I think I can. After all my puns are punny." Said Classic. Fell snickered a bit. "Very Classic Of you dipshit."


"Hey Cross." Cross looked at Sci in question. "Do you have a friend?" Cross's eyesockets widen in that question. Just after he wanted to get his mind off of it.

He sighed. It was inevitable.

"What's wrong? Does that question bother you?" Sci asked.

"No... actually I had a friend. But... he's not here right now." Cross answered as the image of Nightmare appeared in his head.

Speaking of Nightmare...

"I wonder how's he doing." Cross muttered. "Huh? Did You say something?" Said Sci. "No.. not at all. Let's just try to find your friend. I'm pretty sure he's here somewhere."


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