Chapter 22: Love is a nusiance • you dont need it.

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"What do you mean Ink? It's so clear that he doesn't want to be near me. He'd kill me." Cross said denying the facts. "Well but your the only one that has an equal relationship with him. And know him more then I do. Even if I did try. Probably won't work." Said Ink.

Cross looked away.

"Even if I did try. It's no use."

But what came expected is when Ink slapped him. Cross was surprised. A dead look went over Inks face "that's your weakness. You keep doubting yourself. And when you do. Nightmare just gets further away from you." Ink said as his pupils darted towards him.

"Even if you said you tried. You say you want to get Nightmare back? Then try. And don't think of the worst possible scenarios. It Doesn't matter." Ink said as he turned around.

"It's just not Nightmare anymore Cross. It's AUs lives and you know it. Innocent people are dying and when they do. It's all because of Nightmare. Or if there's even a slightest chance."

Cross didn't want to hear the words coming out of his mouth.

"I'll kill him."

Cross's eyesockets widen.

"You can't."

"I have to. Im the creator. I'm doing my job."

"He's my friend! I won't let you kill him!" Cross shouted. "Are you challenging me Cross? Nightmare is just Nightmare. Just a friend, he's nothing-"

"He is something." Cross retorted.

"You DONT understand. Because you can never feel anything. Having someone close to you, they're not just a friend. They're here. And when they're further from you. They'll do whatever it takes to help them get on track. Even if they never even give the slightest appreciation or give your help back to you." Said Cross. "He's more to me as a friend. He's not just a friend. He's my friend. And..."

"I love him."

Ink's eyesockets narrowed.

"Love will only get in the way of what's important. It's a nuisance."

"How can you know if you never loved someone before? Or even feel the slightest emotion ever-"

"I had."



"That's isn't possible." Cross uttered out of his mouth. "How can a emotionless being feel feelings?"

"I had feelings. But he took it away from me." Ink closed his eyesockets.

"He stole whatever feelings I had left. And played the strings. Error himself."

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