Chapter 7: Getting Concerned

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Meanwhile with SMG4 and the gang, they were starting to get a bit worried, since Mario and Meggy have been absent for a day and a half now.

SMG4: Mario and Meggy are usually never this quiet... It's kinda freaky... Where could they be?

Toad: Don't know, and don't care.

Bowser: Mario was supposed to hang out with me yesterday, but he never showed up!

Fishy Boopkins: Me and Bob wanted to show Meggy our upgraded anime collection, she never answered the phone!

B0b: MaN, wHaT a BiTch!

Tari: I just hope they're okay...

Saiko: Same here. Actually, why not invite them over here? We could do something.

SMG4: True dat!

Luigi walked into the castle while scratching his head.

Luigi: I can confirm that they're okay, but Mario has been... Acting very weird, lately. He's been helping around the house!

SMG4/Fishy Boopkins/B0b: NaNi?!

Saiko: Mario... Helping... Out...?

Toad: Okay, that is NOT normal Mario behavior, so SOMETHING is up. But I'm not getting involved.

SMG4: Anyways, I say we invite them over for a game of Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Bros!

Saiko: Sounds like a plan. Sure. Let's do it.


Tari turned the Nintendo Switch on while shaking in excitement.

B0b: I sWeAr, BlUe HaIrEd BiTcH gEtS wAy ToO oVeReXcItEd-

SMG4 kicked the garo in the pingas.

B0b: *HeAd ShRiNkS* aAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaH!!!

SMG4: DON'T TALK TO MAH WAIFU LIKE THAT! Alright, I'll call them up and invite them over.

Tari blushed at SMG4 calling her his waifu and put Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Bros into the Nintendo Switch.

Tari: Let's do this!

(Yet again, another short chapter. Big oof.)

Anyways, lata!

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