chapter 7: close Rickcounters

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(y/n) POV
Yesterday, Beth announced that for the one year anniversary of Rick's return she'd be making him flying saucer shaped pancakes for breakfast today. So here we all sat at the table with food infront of us except Rick who was waiting on Beth. Beth placed a plate full of small pancakes with syrup and a candle infront of Rick.

"Pancakes are already shaped like flying saucers. I should be making you breakfast," Rick smiled and praised her.

Jerry mumbled "should be making us a while restaurant," and Beth dismissed Jerry's remark.

Before Rick and I could finally dig in to our breakfasts a portal appeared and three people stepped out. They looked exactly like Rick, but they wore uniforms.

"Rick Sanchez of c-137 you are under arrest for crimes against alternate Ricks on the authority of the transdimensional counsel of ricks."

Jerry stood up and began to protest when he got frozen.

"Alright everybody relax. If I know theses aholes and I am these aholes. They just wanna drag me back to their stupid club and waste my time with a bunch of questions," our Rick said standing up.

"Bring his (y/n) and Morty."

"You leave my (y/n) and Morty out of this."

We were dragged intonto the portal in handcuffs. Two ricks walked infront of my Rick and Morty while I walked behind them with a Rick on either side of me.

The two ricks smiled at me and began to make conversation with me. I listened in as best as I could to Rick and Morty's conversation. Apparently a bunch of Rick's banned together to form a place where they could gather and hide from their enemies. We ended up on an escalator and once we reached the top floor two more Ricks in uniforms came to meet us.

"Escort his (y/n) to the citadel's (y/n)boree location and get her checked. She seems too lost to have her memories intact," the Rick on my right said guiding me infront of the new Rick's infront of me.

"You idiots you can't do that she's unstable," Rick turned and yelled trying to walk over to us, "leave *eugh* my (y/n) the way she is."

"Take those two to the counsel. You have no right to hold her memories Rick. Why would we listen to a terror-rick like you."

The two uniformed ricks took me to a medbay first and laid me down on a exam bed. A Rick in doctor looking clothes came in and placed some electrode wires on my temples and then looked at a screen. My memories popped up as he had me try and remember some of my past.

"Your memories are there but you can't remember them on your own."

"I know, my Rick and I found out about it a while ago."

"Why didn't he do anything about it," the uniformed ricks asked with a scowl.

"I don't know. Maybe he didn't have the stuff he needed. Doesn't really matter," I shrugged.

"Typically (y/n) thing to say. Always self sacrificing for your Rick," the doctor Rick said with an eyeroll, " almost makes me glad I didn't have a (y/n) to begin with."

He began to rummage around in a cabinet for something before coming back with a needle.

"This is gonna hurt a bit but you'll get your memories back," he said filling the syringe with a bright orange liquid before sticking it into the upper portion of my arm.

Afterwards I was stood up and guided to the next destination, the daycare for (y/n)s.

"You'll be okay in here. I'll have my (y/n) show you around and make sure you feel okay after the memory medicine starts to kick in. I'm Rick B-971," the rick on my left said once we got close to the place.

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