chapter 11: total rickall

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(y/n) POV

I ended up keeping myself busy and giving Rick some space. Both his urine and blood tests came back negative for anything. Rick took Morty and me to the movies but not after he found beta-7 and threatened it. Eventually Morty convinced Rick to let it go after he complained about his promise to take us to the movies.

It's been a beat since the whole unity thing. I don't want to leave the lab. I've been working on my own version of the portal gun for my half of the communication watch set Rick and I have had since we were younger. Rick's going to throw out some rocks we picked up on that planet we went to take the fart gas to, and then have breakfast with the rest of his family in the dining room.

So far I've been awake for 36 hours. I need coffee if I want to stay awake any longer. I've been fighting the sleep back for two hours already. Maybe I should just take a nap? I'm too lazy to go upstairs though.

Ehh, what the hell I'll just sleep here in the garage. Not like I haven't before.

I pulled out the blanket and pillow I'd started to leave in here after Rick tried to kill himself. It didn't take long for sleep to consume me.

Rick's pov

I exited the garage and threw away the green glowing rocks we'd picked up on that one planet a few adventures ago.

"Rick I don't like glowing rocks in the kitchen trash."

"Well I don't like your unemployed genes in my grandchildren, Jerry, but life is made of little concessions."

"You're gonna land on your feet jer. Some company is gonna thank their lucky stars they hired my little brother."

"Who the fuck are you," I questioned.

"Ugh my goofy brother Steve. He's been living here for almost a year now. Are you losing your mind?" Jerry answered.

The two of these idiots kept blabbering after and made a joke that everyone laughed at. I frowned and shot "Steve" in the head.

Everyone started freaking out.

"Will everyone just relax for a second. There's no such thing as an uncle steve. That is an alien parasite."

"But I've known him my whole life."

"No you haven't Jerry. These telepathic little bastards, they imbed themselves in your memories and then they use those to multiply and spread out and take over planets. It's it's disgusting."

"Steve wasn't real," Morty asked horrified.

"He's a real piece of shit. This is a big one. Somebody probably tracked it in on the bottom of their shoes or on a piece of fruit."

"Someone?" Summer rolled her eyes.

"Get off the high road summer. You know we all got pink eye because you won't stop texting on the toilet."

"But uncle Steve taught me how to ride a bike."

"No, 'steve' put that memory in your brain so he could live in your house, eat your food, and multiply. We could be infested with these things so we need to keep an eye out for any zainy wacky characters that pop up."

"Oowwweee, whatever you want Rick we're here to help."

"Thanks Mr. poopybutthole."

We headed into the living room and I did a head count six of us were in the room.

"Maybe you got the first one in time riiiiiccckk."

"Can't afford to chance it," I said pressing a button on my watch. The blast shields I installed a while ago.

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