Enter the Blacksmith

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Doom Slayer POV:

I was hanging outside of that broken down church Bell lives in, waiting for Bell to finish his... whatever the cinnamon roll does.

After a bit I walk inside the basement and see Hestia and Cocknell reading a paper. They said something about a skill? What stuff do I miss when I'm looking like a statue?

Vega: Oi, what're you talking about, skill.

Bell: I got a skill called argonaut! Isn't it great Donathen?

Vega:.... like the odyssey?

Hestia/Bell: The what?!

Vega: Nevermind.

The two chatted as I stared off into space. I got Bored and counted how many skulls I have in my inventory. My trance was lifted once Bell yelled about a blue meanie, or something.

Hestia: That's right Bell, you're gonna be getting a title.

He smiled greatly. His eyes reflected his wonder if what name he'll get. I start comparing anything they got with my titles.

'My title will be infinitely more badass.'

Once she left Bell and I kinda just hung out. Eventually we just did chores. I finished up early since all I had to do was clean the first floor. As a Knight Sentinel we had to know how too clean and reinforce buildings in minutes.

I cleaned out mold and borrowed wood and copper from nearby ruins that make up the area. Setting the benches in place and putting up copper plates across the walls as support. Hanging a candle on every one out of ten plates.

Now I'm hanging out downstairs waiting for Bell to finish sweeping. He started listing off mediocre titles he could get.

Bell: Fire Blizzard, Tornado Typhoon, BURNING FIGHTING FIGHTER!-

Vega: Zarathos, Thor, Shazam, whatever it is. Mine is be better.

'You just names off popular hero names.'

Bell stopped and looked at his armor. Noticing the Beaton up burnt bits on it. He started talking about how his armor was great.

Bell: Welf Crozzo, Huh? Oh, what are your titles Donathen?

Vega: Glad you asked, there's "The Unchained Predator", "The Hell Walker", "The Doom Slayer", etc.

Bell: WOW... those are cool titles, scary too. Who gave them too you.

Vega: ... I received those names from making demons fear me. The Dark Lords that rules them, scared by my presence, gave those titles to me. These names were to ward off any tormented soul that could unleash my wrath again.

Then came the deafening silence.

Vega: So, yeah. The usual.

Then Hestia blasted through the door. Yelling out Bell's name. I snapped my fingers infront of her to calm her down. Once she did we sat down to talk about what was so exciting.

Hestia: I got something normal. Little Rookie.

Bell: Huh...... you were right Donathen.

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