Chapter 8

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Bakugou was still in the dark, like he was drowning in water, but felt like he's slowly rising to the surface.

He wanted to rise up faster, but if he struggled, he will fall deeper. That's why he didn't do anything. He only faced up as he roses from the dark.

He then saw the same flashing images in his head, before he slowly opened up his red eyes.

He adjusted to the lighting in the room, before he wondered where he was and how did he get there.

There's only one place to know where he would end up, the hospital.

The smell of medicine, the cold air conditioner blowing in the room, tools only a doctor would use, and a heart beat monitor.

Bakugou was quite numb, and had an oxygen mask on. He wanna take it out, but he figured he couldn't anyways. He couldn't move much at all.

He then looked at his left, to revealed what would have been the most purest, yet saddening sight he'd seen.

Tear stains marks on Todoroki's face, as he slept away peacefully on his side. A few more tears slide from his eyes.

'Must've had a bad dream...'

He squeezed lightly on his hand to see if it will calm him down. It seemed that it did. Bakugou smiled slightly.

He then took his other hand, and stroke his mismatch hair gently. Todoroki snuggled to the touch.

"Even after all your tantrums of our problems, you still cuddle up here, huh."

That's when Todoroki slowly opened his eyes, before rubbing them gently to get the sleepiness out of his eyes.

Then when he finally knew that Bakugou was awake, the first thing he did was press the button for a nurse, and hugged Bakugou 'unintentionally' tightly.

"Goddammit, Katsuki! You're awake!" Todoroki said as he squeezed Bakugou tighter.

"H-hey there, bud. Don't need to hug... So tight..." Bakugou tried and say between the lack of air he has.

Todoroki let go with a scoff as he crossed his arms, and muttered a sarcastic sorry with a light blush on his face.

Then a nurse came in with the rest of the boys who waited outside.

They then saw that their friend was awake, and gave the biggest smile they could ever give. Of course, Bakugou returned it.

Then the idiotic doctor came in.

"Well well, reality has it in store for him to give him a worthless pathetic life."

The four growled lowly. His attitude hasn't gotten any better, huh.

"S-sir! Please refrain from saying these comments every time you had a patient." The nurse tried to confront the doctor. Her attempt was futile as she was slapped across the face.

"Shut up, whore. I've worked here for several years, and many things are the same. There will always be the reality when I could or couldn't save a fucking victim." He snapped at her. This caused everyone to be shocked.

Todoroki was about to go at him again, before the rest held him back. The nurse then escorted them out to the waiting room, once again.

"Now that that's cleared, let's check your wounds, or I will have to get an earful from your pathetic friends."

Now it was Bakugou's turn to be angry, but he doesn't have much of that strength to make a snappy comeback. What he can say though:

"Sir, I may not know about how your life has been as a doctor, and if you may see most of your mistakes from up and down like a roller coaster, I can't help but pity you about how you don't care of how life is important."

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