Alternative chapter

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Jacy: So... Remember when I said I had another idea regarding the picture in Chapter 5?

Bakugou: With my memory being a gold fish, no.

Jacy: I'll let you re-read it. Just don't mind the grammar errors.

One re-read later...

Bakugou: Okay, yeah?

Jacy: So... I guess we can do that chapter here.

Bakugou: Did you legit title it as "Alternative Chapter"?

Jacy: What's wrong with that?

Bakugou: Will it be a series?

Jacy: Oh no no... Okay maybe but THAT DEPENDS!

Bakugou: Okay... Well, will the viewers enjoy?

Jacy: Hope they do. I hope for no criticism on this. Enjoyment is a key to every story and that's what's best for every writer. In the meantime, I heard Todo--

Bakugou: Shoto.

Jacy: Right of course. Shoto, will be wearing a maid outfit so...

Bakugou: *Runs faster than Iida can be sonic.*

Jacy: Meh. I just said I heard. Again, no quirks AU.



Years ago, peace has always been a symbol. Crimes on days like those were impudent. They never existed.

Anyone could enjoy it.

Alas, innocent laughter was heard. It brought many joy to all.

Children. They are part of the peace in this world, and are a grown-up's treasure.

Laughter could be heard from them, as they played in the park, innocently sweet.

It brought the happiness of many, and one would do anything to protect them until it's time to leave the nest.

They had fun playing tag, the swings, slide, monkey bars and the sandbox. Passageway tunnels were also created. Normal kids play.

Well, it's unfortunate for not every child to have fun.

Shoto Todoroki was always cooped up at home, as he looked at the window from his view to see the children have fun. He wanted to have fun too, with his siblings. His mother too.

He sighed out his sorrow. His father had restricted him from ever going out of the house and play, saying it's a waste of his time.

Todoroki never really knew the reason why his father thought like that, but then again, he can't question his way of thinking. He had to take all the beating and endure it from every angry tantrum his father had raged onto him. Everyday abuse is like a routine for him. He's still a young 5 year old.

He will always feel pain, and there's no escape from it, but he thought it's best. Because seeing the rest of his family in his torment is his greatest pain. He was always pulled away from them.

The only way his family was ever involved was that they had to tend to his injuries. His mother would sometimes also get the beating, as well as his older sibling, Touya.

Once his mother had burned his face from her insanity, he was then feeling lonely. After all, she was sent to the hospital.

The times when he wished for comfort from her, he missed them. Touya also ran away from home, leaving him too. It hurts to be separated from them.

Fallen (A BakuTodo story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ