Escape from Battery city-Part 1

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I am a killjoy. Cellophane Knight.

And .. Nothing else. No other thoughts, no memories, no thoughts of what I like, or dislike. No remembrance of family, friends.

Who am I? Where am I? And more importantly, what do I look like?!

I reach up and take a bit of my hair in my hand, a hand with a black glove on it. WHOA, purple hair! Deadly!

The glove on that hand goes up to my elbow. The other hand doesn't have a glove. I look down at my clothes and realise I'm wearing black skinny jeans and a short-sleeved black top.

I take it that I like the colour black?

I look around to take in my surroundings. I'm sitting on the curb of a clean street, the buildings around me look desolate.

On one of the windows is a wanted poster. A wanted poster for killjoys.

Uh oh, I'm a killjoy.. I'm wanted then?

On the poster is a picture of a guy, with bright red hair. There's an X through the picture.

I step back, this is kinda scary, I shouldn't be here if I'm wanted. I need to go somewhere, anywhere else.

I turn around and theres a girl, about my age. The first thing I notice about her is her awesome belts, one black with silver-grey studs, the other all multicoloured. Her hair was black, spiky, with a fringe. Her t-shirt was black, and short-sleeved, like mine, but with another black and White striped top under it. And she wore grey skinny jeans.

Who is she? I don't know her, but then again I don't know myself.

"Who are you?" Is she a killjoy?

"Uh Crash Imploder, who're you?" She looks as confused as I am.

"I'm Cellophane Knight, but just call me Cell. Are you a killjoy?" Wow, I just said that straight out. I didn't mean to, but ah well. She better be, or else I'm in trouble..

She nodded.

Well, that's good. She doesn't talk much.. But at least she has awesome hair.

Escape from Battery CityWhere stories live. Discover now