4. "It's from Japan."

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I hurried into the bathroom, then suddenly slowed down, glancing at my reflection in the mirror. Chills were running down my spine. I felt like something was going to happen. Something bad. I shook my head and glared disdainfully at the black Sharpie spelling out "-SEXUAL" like it was some kind of joke.

"Thanks, Dallas," I muttered under my breath. I still had no idea how Dallas Dixon, a guy who was literally the biggest loser in middle school, became one of the most popular kids in high school. I ducked into one of the stalls, grabbed some toilet paper, and walked back to the sink, running the paper under the faucet water. As I tried in vain to scrub the permanent marker off of my bag, I heard the sound of the bathroom door open and Dallas's voice float over from the doorway.

"I told you not to wash that off." He said coldly. My face flushed as I scrambled to open the bag and make it look like I was busy.

"U-uhm, where is my homework?" I stammered, trying to ignore him. No such luck. He strolled up behind me and gave me a particularly hard shove in the back, making me stumble forward and the edge of the sink dig into my chest.

"I'm talking to you, short-ass." He snapped. I had to stop myself before I kicked him in the shins, choosing to turn around and glare daggers at him instead.

"Why do you even call me that?" I asked, "I may be short, but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass." He laughed slightly, strolling over to a urinal.

"Well, I don't doubt the ass-kicking part, but you could be a little taller if you weren't hunched over and scared all the time," He said. He must've noticed me slowly creeping over to a stall because he continued speaking without even looking at me. "The only thing more pathetic is the way you're sneaking off to a stall to get away from me." At this, he turned his head to look at me. "Stalls are for gays," He said, smirking slightly. "Are you gay, Falner?" His voice was so condescending it made me sick. I looked up at him but immediately looked away due to him doing his business while looking at me.

"Ew, dude! H-How can you talk to people when you're...y'know..." I asked, gesturing to the urinal and glancing away, trying not to retch. He clicked his tongue and finger-gunned at me in response.

"Confidence." He replied simply. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you might wanna watch the floor," I said pointedly. Dallas was about two seconds from shooting off some sort of snappy comeback or roast, but suddenly let out a scream - one that sounded incredibly pained - and started twitching, almost as if he was being electrocuted. As quickly as it had started, it stopped as he straightened up, making me wince as I heard his spine pop, and quickly finished what he was doing, turning to look at me afterward.

"Falner, let me ask you something." He basically commanded. I nervously rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet.

"Okay...?" I replied slowly. He walked up to me, looming over me and staring me down with an almost blank expression.

"You don't remember me freshman year, do you?" He asked. I looked at him with absolute confusion.

"Uh, no. Did you even go here freshman year?" I asked. He slammed his fist into the wall opposite us.

"Yeth, I DID! You jutht didn't notith!" He shouted. Was it my imagination, or did he suddenly develop a lisp?! He clapped a hand over his mouth, swallowing thickly. After a second, he removed his hand. "N...No one did." He said softly. I was still a little wary, but my caring nature won out and I looked at him with sympathy. Before I could say something, he continued speaking. "Freshman year, I didn't have a girlfriend or a clue. I was a loser, just like you, good times would only soar by," He looked down at his feet for a moment before looking back to me. "I was...gross. As every female would attest," I gave him a nod, knowing full well that - at least in middle school - he wasn't exactly the best guy. "My sexting was a futile quest, my little penis was depressed, he was so lonely. Poor guy." I had to stifle a laugh.

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