21. Unprotected

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Tempest gave me quite the sinister smirk. "Jade's parents' room. Don't worry. They're not using it." She purred. I flushed, backing up and hitting the backs of my legs on the bed.

"Wow, you ...really know your way around," I said slowly. She laughed, strolling up to me and sitting down on the bed, pulling me to sit next to her.

"Yeah, I've had sex in pretty much every room in this house," She said nonchalantly. I looked at her with a blank, yet shocked expression, and she waved her hand. "Because I dated Jade! God, what kind of slut do you think I am?" She asked, grabbing her bottle and taking a long drink from it. That's weird...it wasn't filled when we left my house...I bit my lip and fidgeted slightly, my skirt suddenly feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Where's Hope?" I asked softly. Tempest full-on laughed, putting an arm around me.

"Oh my god you are too freaking adorable," She giggled, then leaned in as her voice lowered to a whisper. "Hope's not coming." I felt my face turn paler.

"She's not? Then why..." I trailed off as Tempest put her hand against my blouse, specifically where it buttoned in the center, and I felt my face go from pale to tomato red.

"Do you wanna hang? Do you wanna hang? Do you wanna hang for a bit? Just you and me, intimately, talking about all of our feelings and shit." She asked, managing to get my blouse off, tossing it to the side and leave me in just my shirt, skirt, and heels. I scooted backward, almost falling off the bed in the process, but managed to catch myself. She giggled slightly, making me fully realize that she was drunk as all sin, and scooted closer to me. "Do you wanna get, do you wanna get, do you wanna get really deep? We could connect, if I get wrecked, you could rock this baby fast asleep~" She cooed. I shook my head.

"I-I have to go..." I trailed off after trying to stand proved futile. I couldn't move my legs. I looked up at my Squip, who had suddenly materialized behind Tempest. "I can't stand up." I directed my speech to him, and my entire body crawled with chills as he gave me a smirk.

"You're welcome." He replied. I wanted to scream but chose to swallow my anger and turn my attention back to the girl trying to have sex with me, despite me not wanting any part of it. Tempest looked annoyed, crossing her arms and sitting straighter.

"I don't know why she's so crazy about you. You're not that cute. No offense." She said coldly.

"None taken," I replied, my eyes narrowing. "Now, I should get back-!" I was cut off by Tempest speaking again, this time sounding more angry than annoyed.

"You know she's not that innocent. That wounded puppy routine? It's how she gets all the guys. Acts all helpless so they want to protect her. Not that I care." She said, rolling her eyes. I tried to process things quicker than usual, finally realizing why this was happening in the first place.

"You're jealous of Hope!" I said in shock. She flushed almost as red as my blouse that was on the floor.

"Um. Obviously, I'm not." She said coldly. I shook my head.

"That's insane! Why would you be jealous of anyone? You're the hottest girl in school!" I said, then paled as the brevity of my words sank in. "Oh, shit did I just say that out-!" I got cut off by Tempest pulling me into a kiss, and my brain finally started working as I struggled to pull away. "Whoa, whoa!" I shouted, then looked at my Squip. "You! Sentient Tic-Tac! Make this stop!" I directed my speech to him, and he tilted his head like a confused puppy. It was kind of cute, not gonna lie.

"I don't understand the request." He said. I inhaled through gritted teeth as Tempest started to speak.

"Do you wanna stop? Do you wanna stop? Do you wanna stop being coy? Do you wanna get? Do you wanna get, wanna get inside my diaper, boy?" She laughed. I flushed, halfheartedly muttering "I'm not a fucking boy." under my breath so that she wouldn't hear. She tossed her bottle to me, and I fumbled to catch it. "Here's a secret..." She said, leaning in to whisper to me. "It's not actually milk." She gestured to the bottle as she said this. I shook my head, moving to place the bottle down on the bed.

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