20. Hallo-whee!~

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"October 31st, 2019. DEAR DIARY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, brushing the last few snarls out of my hair. "Picked out a costume for tonight, Squip told me to get a size that was a lot too tight. You can kinda see my business, but I'll act like I don't know." I said nonchalantly into the mirror, internally cursing my Squip for making me wear this particular costume.

I was dressed as the 'mythic bitch' herself, Heather Chandler: red button-down blouse, white collared shirt, plaid skirt, argyle socks, black heels, red lipstick, blue drain cleaner dripping down the side of my mouth and onto my neck. Oh, and I can't forget the bright red scrunchie that was holding my hair half up, half down.

"Tonight's the night. This is what we've been working towards. Are you ready?" My Squip asked from beside me. He looked different. His hair was silver, cut in a half-bob, and he was wearing a white trenchcoat with black circuits on it. I nodded slightly.

"Born ready, son," I replied, then looked at him with confusion. "Wait, is that your costume in a sense?" I asked. He nodded slightly.

"Yes. I may not be a physical being, but I still wish to celebrate this particular holiday." He replied. I was a little confused and opened my mouth to speak, then heard Dallas knocking at my door.

"Yo, short-ass, you coming or what?" He called. I nodded slightly.

"I'll be right there!" I replied, swinging my red messenger bag over my shoulder and bounding out of the room. Dallas, Rose, and Tempest all decided to get ready for Jade's Halloween party at my house.

"I got a condom!" He shouted to no one, seeming slightly surprised when he heard Rose laugh from downstairs

"And a flask!" Tempest called from my bathroom. Dallas laughed as well.

"I stole my dad's old Jason mask. Yet, I don't have a machete-" He pulled a baguette out of the bag that was sitting on his hip, brandishing it much like a knife, making me roll my eyes in amusement. "-but a loaf of bread will do!" He finished, suddenly whacking himself in the head with the baked good. "...ow." He mumbled. Rose came bouncing up the stairs, surveying Dallas and I.

"Oooh! Falner, you look gorgeous!" She commented, giving me a smile. I blushed slightly. She was dressed like Connor Murphy from Dear Evan Hansen, right down to the dark circles under her eyes.

"Thanks, Rose. You look amazing!" I commented. She beamed, grabbing my wrist and leading me downstairs.  Dallas bounced down and crashed on the green and white couch closest to the TV while Rose and I moved to sit on the piano bench, our shoulders touching. I couldn't help but blush as red as my blouse as she scooted closer, giving me a smile. 

"Glad to see you're making friends, Greyson," Tempest said from the top of the stairs, making me jump in surprise and turn to look at her. She was dressed like a baby, right down to a bottle that wasn't filled.

"Uh...thanks," I said slowly, knowing damn well I couldn't take her seriously while she was dressed like that. After a moment, Dallas stood up.

"Well, I'm our mode of transportation. Who's riding shotgun?" He asked. Tempest, Rose and I raised our hands all at once, making him let out a laugh and shake his head.

"Falner, you're riding up front with me. Tempest and Rose, you're gonna have to get cozy in the back." He said. I nodded, then opened the door into the garage and stepped into the darkness, the rest of the group following my lead. Dallas's eyes seemed to glow in the dark as I pressed the button to open up the garage door, and I noticed a ball of neon blue light floating next to me for a moment.

"Keep me out of trouble, okay?" I muttered, walking out of the now-open garage and opening the door to Dallas's red truck, hopping into the passenger side seat. Dallas jumped into the driver's seat, and Rose and Tempest managed to squeeze their way into the back without much damage to their costumes.

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