16. What is love? (Baby don't hurt me-)

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[Christine's POV]

I leaned back in the teal blue chair I was sitting in. No one had really shown up for rehearsal yet, so I had the theater to myself for a bit. As I tucked a few stray strands of hair behind my ear, I noticed Tempest Kora, Hope Commonfeather and Rose Kleinman stroll up, Tempest leading the pack.

"Is this seat saved?" She asked, gesturing to the chair next to me. I nodded slightly, setting my own chair down back onto the stage.

"Oh, yeah-!" I was cut off by her swiftly sitting down, Rose and Hope taking seats adjacent to her.

"Rose said she saw you at the mall with Jade last night." She said almost accusingly. I nodded again, slower this time.

"Yeah, that's... who it's saved for..." I trailed off. Hope tilted her head.

"Rose?" She asked. Rose looked up from her phone, confusion evident on her face.

"Uh, I'm right here." She said, waving her hand like a flag, then returning her attention back to her phone. Tempest looked at me with something that resembled pity.

"Jade's not coming." She said.

"Is he sick?" I asked, concern seeping into my voice. She shook her head.

"He's at Model U.N. Or whatever it is this week. You know Jade. Always jumping from one...extracurricular to another." She looked me up and down as she spoke, and I suddenly felt a lot more self-conscious. Did I look okay? Was I wearing the right outfit? I felt my cheeks warm up.

"I don't know him that well..." I murmured. She reached out and squeezed my shoulder, that vaguely pitying expression still on her face.

"Well, he loves to try new things. He just doesn't always stay with them after he...tries them. If you know what I-!" The realization hit me in the face harder than the chandelier hit the stage in Phantom, and I quickly jumped in with "We're just friends!" Tempest's expression went from pitying to puzzled.

"What?" She asked.

"I know you guys used to date. So, if that's what this is about..." I said, trailing off at the end and letting the unspoken words just hang in the air. She stiffened slightly, then gave me a smile that looked faker than her eyelashes.

"Oh my god no! Jade and I are totally over!" She said, laughing slightly. Hope nodded from beside her.

"Yeah, he's so gross." She commented. Tempest's face flushed red as she turned to face her.

"He's not gross, Hope!" She hissed. Hope shrank back slightly, allowing Tempest to regain her composure and turn back to me, that fake smile still plastered to her face.

"Friends. I'm so glad. Because, real talk, I would hate for you to think that the reason Jade's not here...is he's already bored of you," She said softly, poking my chest with her finger. She then gave me a smirk, standing up. "Bye!" She called, strolling backstage with Hope and Rose in tow. Before they were completely out of earshot, I heard Tempest hiss to Rose "Jade better not be inviting her to his Halloween party." I buried my face in my skirt, wishing I could just disappear. I then heard footsteps walking into the auditorium and raised my head to see who it was.

"Falner...?" I asked mostly to myself, keeping my voice down so that she wouldn't hear. She looked different. Her posture was straighter, her strides were more confident and calm, and I could just feel this...oddly soothing aura emitting from her. I felt an immediate sense of relief as she walked over, her eyes brightening slightly as I gave her a small smile.

[Falner's POV]

Christine's smile made my heart melt. I walked onto the stage, then gestured to the open seat next to her. "Is this seat taken?" I asked gently. Her face fell as she looked from the seat to me.

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