12. Hot Topic

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"Falner?" Tempest asked in what I could only assume was disgust. What the hell?! Since when did Tempest Kora, one of the most popular girls in school, shop at Hot Topic?! I turned around and nearly bumped into her due to how close we were.

"S-Sorry..." I mumbled, then felt a shock down my spine. "OW!" I couldn't help but yelp in pain.

"Posture!" My Squip said in a sing-song tone from beside me. I looked back at Tempest and couldn't help but blush. "Hi. Didn't expect to see you here." I said. Tempest looked me up and down in a blatantly obvious once-over.

"You shop here?" She asked. I nodded.

"Oh yeah, all the ti-!" I was cut off by my Squip hissing "Never." in my ear, making me change tactics. "Uh, never. That's what I meant to...say..." I trailed off. I could practically feel my Squip roll his eyes.

"Greet the beta." He said.

"The...?" I then noticed Hope Commonfeather lean out from behind Tempest, giving me a bright smile. "Oh, hey, Hope!" I said.

"Tell her she looks sexy." My Squip said. I flared red.

"I can't say that to a hot girl!" I yelped, then screeched slightly as a shock raced down my spine. "Ow!"

"Don't smile. Stare intensely. Speak like you don't care about your own death." He commanded. I nodded slightly, swallowed, and spoke.

"Lookin' pretty sexy, Hope." My voice sounded much more confident and even a little suave, and it got the reaction I was internally hoping for. Hope's cheeks turned pink, and a small smile graced her face.

"Thanks." She said, giving me a playful wink. I smiled at her, then turned my attention back to Tempest, who was still looking at me with a trace of disgust.

"Is that a boys' shirt?" She asked, gesturing to the shirt that I had in my hands. Confused, I looked down at it. It was a black and yellow Hufflepuff t-shirt, and I vaguely remembered grabbing it.

"No," I said quickly, hiding it behind my back. My Squip groaned slightly, then whispered "Yes." in my ear, again making me change my words. "I mean, yes!" I nearly tripped over my words. Hope giggled slightly, but Tempest still looked unconvinced.

"Repeat after me:" My Squip said, suddenly moving out in front of me. "I saw it in the window and I couldn't dismiss," He said. Hesitant, I gulped slightly and repeated his words.

"I saw it in the window and I couldn't dismiss..." I was surprised I didn't sound like a monotone idiot. He gave me a smile and continued to speak.

"I was dating a guy, and he had a shirt just like this," I repeated his words again, my voice taking on the confidence that radiated within me.

"I was dating a guy, and he had a shirt just like this!" I giggled softly. Tempest and Hope seemed to be eating it up. Hope's eyes were wide and excited, and Tempest couldn't hide the intrigue on her face. My Squip took my hand and spun me around, and I could only hope to whatever God is in Heaven that no one could see that. To Tempest and Hope, it looked like I was about to faint, one hand on my forehead.

"It's still painful." He practically sang the words out. I couldn't hide the blush on my cheeks as I repeated the words, albeit without the whole singing aspect.

"It's still painful...!" After a beat of silence, Tempest spoke up.

"So, who was this mystery guy?" She asked. I let out a light, embarrassed giggle.

"Oh, you've probably never heard of him, so-!" I got cut off by my Squip whispering Dallas's name in my ear. "Actually, it was...Dallas Dixon." I said. Tempest flared as red as I was, grabbing an empty clothes hanger and snapping it clean in half.

"What." Her voice was an angered growl. I nodded slightly.

"Yeah. He's...French." I said, wanting to keep my prior friendship with him a secret. The popular girls didn't have to know I was friends with the former biggest loser in middle school. She let out a sigh, shaking her head.

"Oh, honey, he is not French. He just pretends to be for attention." She said, patting my shoulder. Hope looked at me with curiosity.

"Dallas broke up with you?" She asked.

"Ye-" I started to speak, but was cut off by my Squip again, this time grabbing my shoulders and practically hissing "No!" into my ear. "Uh, I-I mean...?" I pulled away from him and stumbled forward, Hope catching me in an instant. 

"I broke up with him," He said slowly. 

"I-I broke up with him..." I repeated, staring at him for any semblance of help. He nodded slowly, then continued speaking. 

"Because he was cheating on me." I nodded in response, pulled away from the girls, and did my best to feign hurt. 

"Because he was cheating on me." I was pleasantly surprised at the reaction I got. Tempest grabbed Hope's hands and squeezed them tight.

"What did I tell you? He is such an ass!" She said. Hope nodded.

"You're so much better without him, Falner." She commented. I gave her a small smile, Tempest nodding emphatically.

"I mean, who the hell does Dallas think he is?!" She asked, moving to discuss the whole issue with Hope. I bought the shirt and walked out with the girls, looking at my Squip after a moment. He looked proud.

"What just happened?" I asked excitedly. He gave me a smile that looked completely genuine.

"A shared negative opinion is the fastest social bond. You want someone to like you...hate who they hate." He explained. I smiled back.

"Ugh, let's get out of here," Tempest said. Hope turned to me with a smile.

"Hope is going to offer you a ride. It is imperative you accept." My Squip said.

"So...do you wanna ride?" She asked. My face flushed, and I found myself saying

"Yes..." before anyone could even dare to prompt me. Suddenly, I remembered that Eli was still in the mall, probably waiting for me. "But, I-I'm supposed to meet my friend, Eli," I said quickly. Hope looked slightly saddened.

"Oh." She said meekly.

"Falner, if this is going to work, you need to do as I instruct." My Squip hissed. I blushed even darker as Hope took my hands.

"Falner...Do you wanna ride? Do you wanna ride? Do you wanna ride, wanna go far? Do you wanna get, do you wanna get, do you wanna get inside my mother's car? Drive it on home, don't you say no, honey can you be coerced? Home in a snatch, only one catch: we gotta stop for frozen yogurt first." She asked, my face turning redder and redder with every word. I didn't know if my Squip was manipulating my hormones or my emotions, but taking this offer seemed to be one of the best ideas ever. Tempest gave me a smile, joining in on Hope's speech.

"Do you wanna ride? Do you wanna ride? Do you wanna ride, wanna go far? Do you wanna get, do you wanna get, do you wanna get inside my mother's car? Drive it on home, don't you say no, honey can you be coerced? Home in a snatch, only one catch: we gotta stop for frozen yogurt first," The two girls said in eerie unison. 

"Pinkberry!" Hope said with a slight flourish. 

Everything felt hazy. 

My vision was blurring, and I blinked harshly to focus. 

Should I take that offer? 

My mind then glued itself to the thought of Eli...and I snapped out of it.

"I... Next time. I promise." I said softly. Tempest rolled her eyes, starting to walk off.

"Whatever." She said. Hope waited until she was out of earshot, then smiled at me.

"My boyfriend cheated on me too. Ex -boyfriend. So...I know how you feel." She said softly. I smiled back, then nervously looked over at Tempest, who was tapping her foot impatiently.

"Hope. Come on." She said. Hope giggled, blew me a kiss, and sauntered off.

"Au revoir!" She chirped. I blushed profusely but gave her a smile and a wave.

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