18. Take the upgrade

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"You need to get popular. Here is a popular girl who likes you. You need to go where she leads." My Squip instructed. I looked at Hope, finally realizing that my tears had stopped. She smiled again, leading me out of the hallway, out the front doors, and behind the school. We walked through a small forest path for a bit before reaching a lake. I remembered coming out here for my Biology class in my sophomore year, and I inhaled the crisp fall air. Hope giggled softly.

"This is my favorite place behind the school," She said, then took my hands in hers. They were nice and warm compared to my corpse-like coldness. "Being here with you right now...Our future is so clear. Our union is so near!" She chirped. I couldn't help but blush as red as the leaves on the trees. "Being here with you right now, I'll tenderly guide you-!" I noticed that both Hope and my Squip were speaking. Suddenly, Hope stopped, but my Squip kept going, leaning in behind me to whisper in my ear.

"Just take me inside you forever~" I had to stop myself from letting out an audible sound, choosing to scream internally. Holy shit, what was I getting myself into?! He chuckled lowly, moving out to take Hope's place in front of me. "Your life was so pitiful before. Now it's time to go all the way and more. You gotta' get an upgrade." He said. I looked confused.

"Upgrade?" I repeated. He nodded.

"Upgrade," He then took my hands in a similar way Hope did before. "You gotta' get an upgrade." He sounded like he was pleading with me. I shook my head, pulling away.

"Upgrade..." I said softly, looking down. I wanted to ask what the upgrade was, but a part of me was saying to just leave it be and see where things go. He snapped his fingers, and I straightened up.

"Don't worry about the guilt you feel. Just take a breath and seal the deal," He said, grabbing my hand, spinning me around, and dipping me like we were a married couple. I let out a squeak of surprise. He grinned down at me. "Damn! Gotta' get an upgrade! You gotta' get an upgrade!" He said, almost tossing me into Hope's arms.

She caught me, but he must've thrown me with a lot more force than expected, because the two of us tumbled down head over heels, landing a few feet away from each other. I burst out laughing, Hope almost immediately following my lead.

[Christine's POV]

Could this day get any worse? First, I get targeted by the popular girls because I just happen to like the ex-boyfriend of one of them, then I end up indirectly making that situation worse, and finally, my closest theater friend just straight up leaves rehearsal. What's next? I wake up to realize that my life's a dream and I've been living in the Matrix for my whole life? I sighed softly, sitting on the bench outside the school and staring up at the flagpole. The American flag waved proudly in the wind, and the sun shined down on me. The sun turned to shade after a moment, mostly because someone was standing in front of me.

"Hey," I recognized the soft voice as Jade's, and I immediately turned away from him and busied myself with my backpack. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "What, you're not even gonna say hi?" He asked. I turned to look at him.

"I was. At rehearsal." I replied coldly. He sighed, sitting next to me.

"I wanted to be there...but, it's the same time as archery..." He sounded genuinely saddened.

"It's okay, really-" I started to speak, but he cut me off.

"Which is why I had to tell the coach I quit." He finished. I looked at him, shocked.

"What?" He gave me a smile.

"I don't wanna do every extracurricular at school. I just wanna do yours," He said. "I was never the sort of guy to feel all the feels. But since I met you, I've been high-key tryna change what's in my psyche. Tryna be a better man, and that's for reals. I'm sick of playing the role I'm s'posed to play..." He took my hands in his, making me blush slightly. "Christine, don't you ever feel that way?" He asked.

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