25. Stronger than he looks

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[Dallas's POV]

My head felt like someone was taking a scalpel and picking at my brain with it. I yelled in pain, collapsing to my knees in Jade's kitchen. Everyone else was either blackout drunk, asleep, or had left a few hours ago. I wasn't alone, though. Far from it.

"I-It's Halloween...it's H-H-Halloween..." I cried, gasping for breath and keeping my gaze down. I felt someone grab my hair and yank my head up, making me let out a strangled shout of pain. I was met by a girl who looked exactly like Rey from the Star Wars franchise, save for her striking neon blue eyes. "R-Rey, let go of me!" I stammered, trying to pull my hair out of her grip, only succeeding in getting myself even more stuck. She let out a light laugh.

"Why? So you can go out and just stop our plans like this? I don't think so, Dallas." She said, her voice laced with malice. I managed to grab her hand and give myself enough leverage to kick her backward, sending her flying into the wall, almost immediately regretting my decision as her hand was literally torn out of my hair. I let out a whimper of pain, sprinting out of the kitchen and into the living room. I felt something - or someone - kick the backs of my legs, making me stumble and fall into a kneel. Rey appeared in front of me, looking a little more disheveled and less composed, and I knew exactly why: I was fighting back.

"I won't let you do this," I growled, glaring at her. "I won't let you control me anymore. I won't let you hurt my friend. I won't let you hurt anyone else." She let out a low laugh, kneeling down and grabbing my face with her hand.

"And how do you plan on stopping us?" She whispered. I smacked her hand away, stood up, and bolted out of the room and through the back door that lead outside. I knew exactly what I had to do...and I knew I had the strength to do it. I ran to Jade's shed, opening it and grabbing a rather full canister of gasoline.

"With this," I said, half to myself and half to Rey, who was floating beside me. I saw her face pale in fear.

"Dallas Dixon, you wouldn't dare. " She said in shock. I gave her a rather deranged grin.

"Oh, I certainly would dare. If I go down, I'm dragging you with me," I said, running back to the house and pouring some of the gasoline on the floor. "Just like Katniss Everdeen said: if we burn, you burn with us." I felt electricity racing down my spine but shook it off, adrenaline coursing through my veins and numbing the pain of the shocks.

"Dallas, what you're doing is insane! It's suicide!" Rey shouted. I laughed, tossing my arms out to the sides and spilling more gasoline around the room.

"This is all because of you!" I said. "You did this! You drove me to this! Your constant taunting, constant shocks, constant pain you gave me has finally reached its limits! I'm done with trying to please you. I'm done with trying to please society. I'm done lying," I had poured more and more gasoline on the floor and furniture, eventually emptying the canister and grabbing a match from my bag. "It's time for me to fix my mistakes. Even if it means I won't be alive to see the results." I said simply.

I looked around, making sure no one was around before I lit the match. "Hasta la vista, robo-bitch." I said defiantly, throwing the match to the ground. There was an almost deafening FWOOM as the entire room was set alight. I could feel my body go rigid and collapse into the flames, and I had the faintest hope that anyone still in the house would get to safety. I could hear the smoke alarms blaring, but the noise slowly started to dull.

I saw someone run through the flames and grab my arms, but I couldn't see their face. Only the fuzzy green claws on their hands. The last thing I heard was my name, spoken by both the person dragging me out of the house and by Rey. She sounded pissed. I smiled faintly, then blacked out, going completely limp in the process.

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