02- coffee

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"Oh come on"

"No Finley, I told you I'm not going back to that place."

Finley groaned at her stubborn friend. She just wanted Evelynn to go with her back to the boxing ring they attended the week prior.

"I'll get you to come one day" Finley mumbled so Evelynn couldn't hear her.

Evelynn turned away from Finley who was sat at a table by the register where Evelynn worked today. The small bakery tucked away right of a main street never got much attention. The bakery racked in only a few customers because the big chain companies were, "more trendy than this dump", as a lovely group of teens once informed Evelynn.

She didn't mind too much though because she liked when it was quiet, even if it can get boring with few coworkers working the same shifts. It gives her a break from all the New York City rush.

"My break is in ten minutes if you wanna stay"

"Nah, I have class and I didn't finish my work for it so I have to get home and do that" Finley said as she stood up from the table with her coffee and threw away her muffin wrapper. Evelynn rolled her eyes at her. The year just started and she's already behind.

"Anyway thanks for the coffee and food, see you at home!" Finley shouted as she made her way to the bakery door to leave. Evelynn nodded at her friend, waiting for her twenty minute lunch break to arrive.

Evelynn sat on the stool behind the counter and pulled out the current book she was reading for her English class. She enjoyed reading and was only upset with the ten page essay she would have to eventually write about the book.

The bell above the bakery entrance rang half way through her lunch break, snapping her away from her book. Evelynn rolled her eyes as she closed her book, resting it on the counter.

She adjusted her name tag on her uniform apron, it actually said Sophia–she stole her coworker's when she lost her own–and stood up ready to talk to the custom who interrupted her reading. But she wasn't ready at all when the customer spoke to her and she looked up at their face.

He looked down at the girl behind the counter, she looked familiar.


Evelynn stopped her greeting when she looked into his blue eyes. Oh my god, she thought, trying to gather herself to properly speak. Clearing her throat she tried again,

"Hello, what can I get for you?" she asked, her voice rising in pitch because she was so damn nervous. She didn't even know the man but his presence alone would make anyone feel intimidated.

Luke was watching her as she spoke, immediately remembering where he knew her from. He remembered how nervous she was at that night he founder her wandering.

"I want a large black coffee," he paused to look at her name tag, "Sophia."

"Oh– that's not my name" Evelynn quickly and quietly spoke as she walked over to the coffee machine.

Luke raised an eyebrow at the girl, waiting for his coffee.

"I kinda lost my name tag a week ago when I was trying to stock and I couldn't find it after and my boss wouldn't–" she cut herself of realizing she was starting to nervously ramble to this attractive stranger who she was extremely intimidated by. She placed a cup on the counter and began to pour the black coffee in the cup.

"Um," she cleared her throat, "my name is Evelynn... yeah" she said almost confirming that was indeed her name to herself.

"Well Evelynn, my coffee looks a little full don't you think?" Luke tilted his head a little, arms crossed, as he leaned against the counter opposite the cash register.

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