Chapter 23

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Taeil's P.O.V

I was just laying on my bed with Haechan cuddling me because I still felt like shit.

both Winwin and Haechan would take turns to take care of me for a day sometimes it'll be both, well that's what they told me.

out of nowhere a panting Mark came in, making Haechan worry and slid from under me and get to hug his boyfriend.

"I-I'm f-fine" he panted, and took a deep breathe, "Taeil where did you and Jungwoo live before coming here?"

I looked down feeling my eyes sting a bit, before rubbing my eyes and answering.

"T-Taekook hotel, o-our apartment is on the 4th floor foom 469, why are you asking...?" worry lacing my voice.

"um.. well I should say anyway, he hasn't been answering his phone and the last text I got was him saying "home" when I asked where he was.." he said looking at the floor, before he sighed and started to walk out.

"I'll come with you since I have the key" I told Mark just nodded and walked, I followed close behind.

we headed out the buliding and when to the side Mark unlocking his car and getting in, I soon followed getting into the passengers seat.

Mark startes the car and drove off, I told him the directions because he didn't even know the hotel or even knowing the whereabouts.

finally geting to the building we turned to the parking lot and parked, I got out first cause I'm really worried and ran in the building I wasn't much ahead cause Mark was next to me when we got to the elevator.

I clicked on the floor but this time it had other people and they needed to go to the 2 and 3 floor.

I was a bit impatient but when it finally hit my floor both Mark and I ran to the apartment door I tried to open it and it was locked.

I grabbed out my keys fiddling with them for a bit and ran in, Mark and I ran in I first went to the kitchen and longue while Mark was checking the rooms.

"Um Taeil, I found him!" I heard Mark say and ran to Jungwoo's room I see him laying on the bed, I jumped on the bed and started to shake him.

he didn't wake up.

I started to pinch and punch him.

but still no avail.

"call the hospital" I say as tears started to form in my eyes, "NOW" the tears now started to fall down my face I wiped my cheeks a lot but they didn't stop.

"I am Taeil, I am, hey I need an ambulance at Taekook hotel, floor 4 room 469 really quick please, my friend isn't waking up, is he breathing? Taeil check his breathing an pulse"

I nodded trying to calm my sobs, I felt his pulse.

"It's faint..." I told Mark and he told the person on the phone.

I then leaned down my head resting on his chest to hear his heart beat... I felt a lump in my throat.

"and his heart is slow... really slow..."

Mark told the person, and I heard sirens outside.

"you need to give him CPR can you do that Taeil"

Even though I was still crying and sobbing I nodded and started to press his chest and when I connected our lips, I take in that his lips are cold..

the door slammed open, I let go of Jungwoo as Mark yelled "IN HERE" they ran in and put him on a bed, they took the elevator down while me and Mark followed them but we couldn't go down the elevator we went down the stairs.

we weren't aloud to go in the ambulance so we ran to Marks car and drove to the hospital.


we got to the hospital and headed to the front desk, Mark asked where Jungwoo was.

they told him that he just got in so they told us to wait in the waiting room.

I wasn't crying anymore I just held an emotionless face, Mark called Taewin and Haechan.

after a few minutes they came when Haechan saw me look up at him with a blank tear stained face he ran up to me engulfing me in a hug I wrapped my arms around his neck and started to cry again.

the only thing other than heels and heart monitors being heard it was also my ugly loud sobs.

Winwin also came over to me and started to run his fingers trough my hair saying sweet nothings in my ear to try and calm me down.

having HaeWin with me right now is such a nice thing to have right now.

a doctor soon came out asking for relatives of Jungwoo Mark and Taeyong stood up and said they were close friends and the doctor nodded.

the doctor pulled Taeyong and Mark to the side to talk about what happened to Jungwoo.

I was still sobbing on Haechan's shoulder when Mark and Taeyong came back saying we can all go see him.

Haechan nodded and let me go I got up and hugged Winwin clinging onto him as we walked to Jungwoo's said room.


a bit shorter than usual but aheh love cliffhangerssssss

anywho hope you enjoyed 💜


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