Chapter 31

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Taeil's P.O.V

I woke up a bit earlier than usual because I wanted to leave Winwin for Jungwoo sad to say but it's true.

As I awoken I saw Winwin's soft features as well as tear stained cheeks, as much as I don't want to leave him, I really want my woo woo.

I slowly and carefully slide from Winwin's grip it was surprising harder than I thought but once I was free I was free.

looking around, I found my phone on the bedside table and I heard Winwin whine, searching around the room I saw a plushie and I gave it to Winwin he instantly cuddled up against it.

I was about to squeal so loud but I held it in.

Exiting out of Winwin's room as quietly as possible, I slowly walked into my room, seeing Jungwoo sprawled out like a starfish on my bed.

I giggled to myself before walking up to the bed he was flat on his back looking off to his left, I brang a hand up and pinched his cheek before I got onto the bed and sat on his lap straddling his hips.

I cuddled into his chest and loved the smell of his cologne, after a couple of minutes I felt Jungwoo move and his arm's wrapped around my waist.

"hey sweety" he spoke groggerly, I giggled snuggling into his chest more ever so slightly, "heyyy" I left a kiss on his exposed collarbone.

he yawned and tried to pull me closer, "I missed you" Jungwoo says as he kissed my head, I just nuzzled into his chest and said "I missed you too"

We both ended up falling asleep cuddled into each other, our legs tangled into eachother, my face stuffed into Jungwoo's chest and Jungwoo securely had his arms wrapped around me as mine were resting on his chest.


Hours later I omce again woke up, but this time I woke to an empty bed, I felt around me and shot up once I didn't feel Jungwoo's presence.

I got up out of the bed and headed to the bathroom the smell of food brought me out of the thought that Jungwoo wasn't with me when I awoke.

Brushing my teeth and staring at my reflection in the mirror I tried to fix my bed hair all of it looking like a mess, but it looked treated.

once finished on my teeth, I left the bathroom and changed my clothes, I left my room and went to Winwin's room to check how he's going.

I opened the door seeing him up sitting on his bed on his phone, "hey" his head shot to me once a noise was heard.

"hi" He answered weakly, I see that the their was fresh tears on his cheeks and I practicality ran to him and engulfed him in my arms.

Winwin broke in my arms, sobs coming but not as bad as they were the night before, I just wrapped my arms around him as well as leaving kisses on the crown on his head, I heard Winwin mumble something but I couldn't hear exactly what it was.

I hummed in a questioning tone, he then lifted his head slighty from my shoulder moving it so he could now speak properly, but it still came out as a mumble but I could now understand it.

"you..left me..." is what he mumbled, I just replied with embracing him a little tighter as well as whispering, "I'm sorry, I woke earlier and went to my room.... I was going to come back..... but my body and mind responded differently" I said and kissed his forehead.

he nodded snuggling into me a bit more, after 30 minutes of embracing Winwin, Jungwoo entered, a soft sad smile tugging at his lips, Winwin's tears were long gone and he was asleep in my embrace.

Jungwoo came in with food, two trays, he must have ate before coming in here, Jungwoo placed the trays on the bed side table -surprisingly they fit on it- and sat near both, Winwin and I on the bed.

"I made you two food... since I ate earlier and I know you two were either sleeping or-?" he spoke delicately trying not to mess up what he was trying to say, I know he's happy that I'm taking care of Winwin, but I know that something really really small dislikes what I'm doing with Winwin in him.

"thank you... he's just been in a plane crash when it comes to his emotions... he needs someone, but this time it's a friend not a boyfriend, since you're technically both to me.... sometimes I know you'll react differently" I mumbled the end to myself.

I look down at Winwin seeing him turn in his sleep, once his eyes squinted in his sleep, I knew he was waking up.

his soft eyes opened they first stayed at the wall for a moment -most likely to adjust them- before looking up and meeting my eyes.

"morning~" he spoke looking to Jungwoo, he must of felt the weight hit the bed, Jungwoo smiled and looked to me.

"I was telling Taeil how I made food for the two of you" Jungwoo said, reaching to pinch Winwin's cheek but settled to a poke.

he shook Jungwoo's hand away and sat up getting out of my embrace to stretch he hummed and mumbled a thanks.

Winwin looked to the side seeing both platters of food one with a flower which made him think it was Taeil's so he grabbed the other, but when Jungwoo said and "uh-uh-uhhh the other one, yes I know the flower is out of place but Taeyong came before saying that he didn't know how you were, so he said if I speak to you give you that since he's really worried for you." Winwin looked down and nodded, -sometimes he forgets that Taeyong is the leader, so he gets told many things- so he swapped the trays, he grabbed the one with a flower and looked up at me, I smiled at him and he smiled back.

the boy moved to next to me on the bed and started munching on his food, I grabbed my tray and started eating my own, Jungwoo left saying "he needs to practice" I just stayed with Winwin until we both finished eating.


once finished our breakfast Winwin got up saying he needs a shower and when towards his bathroom, I nodded yelling an answer of "I'll be in my room if you need anything" and left his room.


been a very long time, ive been in so many mood swing and emotions, its actually started to hurt, but I'm better ish and writing stories....

anyway hope you liked the soft and cute moments 💜


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