Chapter 27

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Taeil's P.O.V

when lunch time came around I was just siting on Jungwoo's lap again while being on my phone texting Haechan while Jungwoo was on his.

I was told by Haechan that there is a new trainee and Lucas was the first one to talk/flirt with him which I'm happy for mastly because Jungwoo is mine.

Jungwoo was pretty much doing the dame thing but I'm not sure if he's texting someone, I think he's just scrolling through social media.

after a bit a knock was on t he door, Jungwoo called out a "come in" and in came Dr. Kim.

as I turned my head to him, I can easily tell he has kiss swollen lips, which I smile a bit before laying down onto Jungwoo's chest looking at the door.

"Jungwoo you are able to leave we just need you to do these papers" Dr. Kim said as he walked up to us, Jungwoo held onto me and moved so his back rested againest the wall.

I was now sitting on Jungwoos lap as he read the papers and sometimes use my back for a table to write on some.

Dr. Kim and nurse Zhang were in the distance near the door talking a bit, nurse Zhang giggling at times.

"okay is this all I need to do?" Jungwoo spoke up making the room silent a bit, "uh yeah I'll take those" Nurse Zhang said going towards us and taking the papers from Jungwoo, and leaving the room.

"that's all for now you are now able to leave" Dr. Kim said before he also exited the room.

I moved around in Jungwoo's lap so I could see him face to face, "so when we get home we going too...?" Jungwoo nodded, "are you to top me..?" a smirk was forming on Jungwoo's lips.

"okay..." I trailed my eyes to our laps, Jungwoo lifted my chin and connected our lips, I instantly replying back, I felt Jungwoo's hand trail down from my hips to my lower half squeezing my ass.

It made me gasp and Jungwoo slid his tongue into my mouth, I pulled back and Jungwoo started to leave love bites on my neck.

"wait... till....we get.... HOME..." I tried so hard not to give in, it was so hard, but Jungwoo let go and carried me, bridal style, before placing me back on the bed, and grabing his own items that Mark and I grabbed for him.

he went back to me, "do you want a piggyback?" I looked up at him confused, but I nodded, he gave my the bag to put on and I climbed onto his back.

when we walked around the hospital like that we were getting many looks and some 'awes'

we reached the exit and I climbed off him, I grabbed my phone and called Winwin, asking if he could pick me up.

"really... now?" Winwin

"yeah now why?" Tae



"what? this is winwin"

"no. is Taeyong with you?"

"... yeah..."

"okay well I know your reason imma go and call Mark"


I ended the call

and called Mark

"Hey! Haechan here!"

"oh hey Haechan"



"why'd you call?"

"me and Jungwoo need to get to the company"

"Jungwoo is released?"

"yes now where is Mark, he needs to pick us up"

"he's working on a song"

"really damn"

"yeah well I got to go"

"Bye Haechan"

"bye Taeil"

the call ended.

I sighed really loudly, "what's up with you?" Jungwoo asked snaking his arms around my waist, "Winwin is with Taeyong, fucking most likely, while Mark is making a song" I layed my head back on Jungwoo'sshoulder.

"What about Ten?" I looked up to Jungwoo  our eyes locking instantly, "haven't tried him yet" I started to grab my phone again looking for Ten's contact, clucking the Call button.

Ten picked up almost instantly

"Hey Taeil!"

"hey Chittaphon, are you busy right now?"

"um.. not really just cuddling with Yuta"

"could you pick Jungwoo and I up?"

"um" there was a bit more chatter before I heard another voice.

"we need to get to the hospital, right now!"


"it's Chenle.... he just fainted our of no where"

my eye's widened hearing that from the other line I looked aat Jungwoo with worried eyes, but then the othe line spoke again, "we are going to meet you there Tae" and then the line went dead.

"what happened?"

"Chenle Fainted out of no where..."


"he's a new trainee"

"oh okay"

"he's your dongsaeng try to at least look worried"

"I'm so stressed right now he's 7 years younger than me"

"he's three years younger than I"


"I don't know"

"you don't seem worried at allllll" I turned around in Jungwoo's grasp, "I'm trying to be but he's most likely alright" I gave him a glare and took him off me walking away.

I heard Jungwoo about to say something when a very familiar car drove up at the curve.

I ran up to the car and the doors open, coming out was Haechan, Ten and Chenle and Jisung.

Jisung got out the car grabbing Chenle bridal style.

"what happened Ji?"

"we were talking and he said he felt dizzy then he fainted"


We entered the buliding, I did for the second time today.

the desk lady asked for a doctor which she got and they made Jisung place Chenle on a bed.

I heard Jisung mumble under his breathe I only could just hear what he said, "please be alright my prince"

I mentally cooed, and turned around seeing Jungwoo only just walking in, I rolled my eyes and went up to Jisung.

"he'll be alright, I promise"

he looked up to me with obvious tears in his eyes, "I know but this isn't the first time this has happened"

I looked up at him confused, he cleared his throat, "this has happened in school many times, I think he over works himself, but all we have been doing the past days where talking" I nodded and he walked up to me, he pulled me into a hug, I held back,

"I just hope he's alright!" Just then Jisung broke down into sobbes, Unable to control them, all I did was hold onto him tight, Ten ended up joining the hug because he felt bad.



hope you enjoyed 💜


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