Secret admirer JonahxDaniel

331 11 6

Type: High School

Ship: Donah

Famous or not: Why don't we is not a thing.

POV Jonah

I slipped on the uniform than the blazer and grabbed my bag, rushing out. 'Got to hurry!'  I reminded myself, running down the sidewalk after turning in a pass to be let out early for an 'emergency.'

When I got to school and entered the building, the bell finally rung for the end of the day. Running halfway up the stairs, I casually turned back and pretended to walk down with everyone else. Luckily, I blended in pretty well and walked up to the tall lockers, looking for #243. 

"Where is it...where is it...ah-ha!" I mumbled to myself, facing locker #243. Hesitantly, I opened it, making sure no one was paying attention to me, placed an envelope inside, then slammed it closed and ran out.

"Hey, Jonah, wanna go practice after school?" Zach asked as he waved to some of the girls who were standing there, drooling. "Sure." I smiled before opening my locker. Something white and small fell from the shelf, making both of us look down at it. Surprisingly, one of the cheerleaders came to pick it up and eyed it suspiciously. 

"A love letter?" she said in disgust. "no one makes those anymore." I snatched it back, glaring at her before stuffing it in my bag. "Nevermind. I'm skipping practice today," I said and left without looking back. "Wait for me!" Zach raced after me, slamming his locker shut.

"Hey, Zach, you're not going to follow that guy are you?" the girl from before asked, grabbing onto his arm. "Did you know that there are rumours saying that he's gay?" she added. "Fuck off, Kay!" Zach spat at her, pulling away roughly.

With the letter in hand, I stared at it. 'What am I suppose to do?' I thought. It was the 23rd letter already and I hadn't opened any of it. I felt bad. What if it was a girl from my school? She might be pretty and tall. Then I shuttered at the thought of it being a girl like Tate or Kay with all those makeup caked on their face, bouncy curls, and those fake ass boobs that they claimed to be real.

It had been a while since I'd dated and there were rumours going around saying that I was gay. So what if I was? I didn't care. I still liked girls so that made me bi, but did liking one guy really make me gay? 

"Jonah! Wait up!" I stopped and looked back, waiting for Zach to catch up. "Oh, sorry," I said. "Nah..." Zach gasped for air after catching up. "It's....fine...God, you walk fast!"  I chuckled. "Sorry."

Zach didn't know I was gay and I didn't intend to hide the fact, but it scared me to lose the strong friendship we had now. 

"I said it's fine." Then Zach eyed the letter. "You haven't opened it?" I looked at my hand then shook my head no. "I feel bad for the person that writes those letters. You haven't opened any of her letters and you still keep them. That's pretty sad," he said.

"Yeah, but what am I suppose to do? Find this girl and thank her for giving me the letters?" Zach shrugged. "That or tell her how you feel."  "That she's stalking me or that I don't like her? Sounds pretty harsh both ways." I frowned. Zach laughed and slapped me on the back.

"Don't worry. When the time comes, you'll be able to come up with something cheesy," he said. "Whatever." I side smiled.  "Mind if I read it?" I handed him the letter, listening to the sound of the envelope opening and the piece of paper. "Whoa, I feel like a snooping pervert." His eyes bulging at the paper that had blue ink handwriting.

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