7 minutes in heaven (pt 2) DanielxCorbyn

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"Christina, give us two more hours."  


POV Corbyn

"No can do." Christina shook her head.  Daniel frowned and got out of the closet, pulling up a madly blushing me afterwards. "So does this mean you two are dating?" one of the girls that were squealing earlier asked. The room got quiet and all eyes faced me.  "N-no! You guys got it wrong!" I exclaimed hurriedly. 

"Eh!? Then were you guys just kissing for the fun of it?" another girl asked, disappointed. I nodded quickly. I looked over at Chris, who refused to give me any hints that I was messing up. I then looked at Daniel who looked at me with what seemed like hurt and disappointment. I looked away first, my heart beating with pain. 

"I-I'm going." And I left with my head hanging low. "Corbyn!" Chris called out for me, but I refused to turn. I had had enough of the torture.

Why was Daniel giving me that look? Was I doubting the words Daniel had said earlier? Why did it hurt when Daniel looked at me when I blurted out that we weren't dating? We weren't even dating, to begin with! With all the emotions swarming me, a single tear dropped down my cheek. 'Why the hell am I crying!?' I thought to myself then started my way down the lawn until someone pulled me by the elbow. 

"Corbyn." Smooth and soothing, just the way I had always imagined, but I pulled away from Daniel's grip and started running down the street. "Corbyn!" Daniel's voice came down harder and rougher, almost in anger as he gripped at my bony elbow. 

"Let go!" I screamed. "Corbyn, calm down!" Daniel grabbed hold at my flailing arms by the wrists. "No! Let go of me, Daniel!" Daniel held on, desperately hurt that I was crying for some reason and that I didn't accept his feelings when he had confessed.

"Corbyn, listen to me," Daniel begged. "Let go!" I continued to struggle. "I want to go hom-" I was pulled forward and kissed rightfully on the lips. I struggled weakly then gave up and stood there without returning the kiss. Daniel pulled away, loosening his grip on my wrists although not letting go, too afraid that I was going to run away again. 

"Corbyn," Daniel said softly. I looked away, unable to wipe away my tears. "Did you really think it was just for the fun of it? Did you think I'd do that with anyone other than you?" I hesitantly nodded. "What?" he said.

"Because...you're popular. I'm not. Why would you pick me out of all those pretty girls? Are you trying to prove something to Jonah and the others or did Christina threaten you to hook up with me because I have a crush on you!?" I couldn't hold in my emotions any longer as my voice got louder and desperate. Tears dripped from my eyes.

"You probably were dared to kiss me or maybe Christina made you come after me!" Daniel was taken aback by my angry tone. "What!?" surprising himself as he raised his voice at me.

"Why the hell would Christina do that! She's your friend for christ sake! And I told you, I don't care whether I'm popular and you're not. You're the one I want!" he growled the last few words. "Can't you even register that into your mind? I love you, Corbyn! Why can't you accept that!?" Daniel said.

POV Daniel

There was one thing I disliked about Corbyn and it was Corbyn's stubbornness.

"Then prove it!" Corbyn's eyes flaring with a mixture of fear, sadness, and anger. I narrowed my eyes at Corbyn, angry that he wasn't listening to me. 'God! How the hell does Christina deal with him!?' There was no way to prove my love except one way and I wasn't sure if Corbyn was ready. But then it didn't matter now since Corbyn was being so stubborn, angry, crying, and misunderstanding the whole freaking situation.

Clenching my teeth, I dragged Corbyn back inside, ignoring his protests, and walked upstairs where everyone was restricted to enter. I shoved Corbyn into my bedroom and locked it.

"D-Daniel?" I turned to him, eyes burning with hurt. "Don't make me do this, Corbyn." Corbyn froze as I wrapped my arms around Corbyn.  "Daniel, I..." he started. "You what? You like me? Love me?" I pulled away, arms lengths away. "All you do is run away from me. What did I do? Did you hate me because I did something to you before?"

POV Corbyn

I watched as emotions played in those blue eyes he admired so much. Huffing in defeat,'I give up too easily.' I thought and closed the gap between us. 

"Corbyn?" Daniel said in a whisper of confusion when I pulled away. "I'm sorry," I said. "Wha-" I shushed him with another small kiss. "I...overreacted." Daniel cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah. You definitely did. Almost knocking me out with that elbow of yours." I smiled.

"So does this mean you accept me?" Daniel asked. "Um..."  I said. "Come on, Corbyn. Not another one of your pauses in life." Daniel whined. "I can't help it if you're my first lo-" I covered my mouth and backed away. Daniel stood there, dumbfounded. Then a smirk crept up to his mouth. "No wonder," Daniel said. "It's not what you think, Daniel." I backed away from the jock's arms, avoiding the bed and rounded the table and rich leather sofa. 

"Oh really? What am I thinking then?" Daniel's long strides easily catching up with me, smirking still. "You got me all worked up just because you were inexperienced? How cruel." He slammed both hands onto his drawer, pinning me in between. I squeaked in shock and nervously looked at the jock. 

"Y-you're the cruel one! Just because I'm inexperienced doesn't mean you can bully me!" I said. "Would you rather be teased then?" Before I could squeak another word, Daniel crushed our lips together. Unknowingly, a moan made its way out of me. Daniel smirked against my lips before slipping his tongue inside my mouth. With my stubbornness, he had to fight for dominance, which took a while before he won. 

"Daniel..." I moaned huskily as Daniel kissed down my jaw to my soft spot by my collarbone.  'He's finally mine.' Daniel thought, grinning to himself before going back to my sweet lips. With hands and arms tight around my neck, Daniel lifted my light-weight body onto his then to his bed. He practically threw me on the bed, hearing a squeak of surprise as I hit the bed with a bounce. Daniel threw off his shirt and climbed on top of me, lip meeting lip, chest meeting clothes. 

"It's not fair if only one of us is clothed," Daniel mumbled through a kiss with a smirk when I blush. His hands went under my hoodie. "Daniel w-wait...." My breathing somehow was coming faster as I stared at the jock's hard abs and chest. Then I gasped as I felt Daniel's warm fingers slide across my flat stomach, making me shiver with anticipation. 

"I can't wait any longer..." Daniel said, pulling off my hoodie then tugging at my pants.  "Daniel uhh..." I slightly arched my back as Daniel brushed his fingers across my buds then took in the air as I felt cold air hit my member. Then Daniel wrapped his hand around my length and started stroking me. Then something wet slid across the slit of the tip, making me gasp. 

"Not there." I choked then gripped at the jock's blonde hair as pleasure shot through my member to my head. "Oh god, Daniel~" then I came without warning 


The door swung open and we both looked up, finding Jonah and Christina tumbling in. Daniel and I scrambled beneath the sheets, covering themselves, though Daniel still had his pants on. 

"What the fuck, Jonah!?" Daniel shouted, blushing. "Christina!!" I exclaimed after him, blushing fire red, trying to cover myself.  "Hehe uh...oops??" Jonah replied sheepishly while Christina brushed herself off and walked up to them, but luckily Jonah grabbed her in time. 

"Daniel you piece of football! How dare you take Corbyn without me knowing? I only hooked you two up, not to have sex! Corbyn I'm taking you home right now!" Christina flailed her legs and arms as Jonah dragged her out.  "Sorry," Jonah said before closing the door. We both sat there on the bed dumbfounded 

"What just happened?"

I hope you liked it!

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-xxx- Bella

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