Lung cancer DanielxCorbyn

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Type: Fluff

Ship: Dorbyn

Famous or not: Why Don't We is in this one-shot.

POV Corbyn

Hi! I'm Corbyn and I'm 18 years old. I'm currently laying in the hospital. You may question why, well, I have lung cancer and I'm only at the beginning of my treatment. Luckily I will not lose a lot of hair because they use a hat that keeps my head cold so I will not lose a lot of hair. I don't like it here at all. Especially because there is a girl in my department and her mom threatens every celebrity to come here to visit her. But the band Why Don't We keeps me happy. Especially Daniel, I like him the most but I love them all. I'm always drawing or playing the guitar on the couch in front of my window to keep my thought away that I'm sick. Well, I got to go because I have treatment, bye!

POV Daniel

"Do we really need to go?" Jonah asks Jon. "She is threatening us that if we don't do it she will ruin your careers. We can't have that because you guys have so many fans, do you want to disappoint them?" Jon says. "No," Jonah whispers. "Let's go inside then," Jon says and we walk inside. Soon we get the room of the girl named Riley.

"Hey Riley," Zach says and gives her a hug. "Omg, you guys are here," she says. "We are, indeed," Jack says. "My mom threatened you guys too, right?" she asks. "Yeah," I whisper. "I'm sorry. She always does that. I asked her to stop but she doesn't stop," she says. "You guys can leave if you want. I'm already happy I saw you guys," she adds. "No, we will stay," I say. After a while, we finally left her room and we walk to the stairs. But then I see someone sitting by a window and I immediately think he is cute.

"Guys. I think I'm going to visit this boy. You guys can wait downstairs if you want," I say. "No, we will go with you. He looks interesting," Zach says. "Yeah, I wonder what kind of illness he has," Jonah says. "Let's go then," Jack says. "I will wait downstairs for you guys," Jon says and continues to walk to the stairs. We walk to the door who already was open and knock on the door.

"Hey, can we come in?" Zach asks. The boy looks up and then sees us standing there. "U-Uhm sure," he says and but his sketchbook away. We walk inside and I look around in his room. I immediately notice the guitar standing in the corner. "What are you guys doing here?" he asks. "Well first I'm Daniel and we just thought to come to visit some people here," I say. "I know who you guys are. And you guys were forced to visit Riley, weren't you? he says. "Yeah," Zach says and sits on the boy his bed. "Her mother is the worst person ever," he says and looks outside. "What is your name by the way?" I ask. "Corbyn," he says. 'Cute name for a cute boy', I think.

"May we ask what kind of illness you have?" Jonah asks carefully. "1 or 2 months ago they found out I have lung cancer," he says easily. "How are you holding up?" Zach asks. "I'm fine, just a little exhausted because of the treatments," he says. "Are you also gonna lose your hair?" Jack asks. "Maybe a little. But not a lot because I get a hat on that keeps my head cold during my treatments," he says. "But you're okay, right?" I ask. "Yeah, I am now. But I'm just at the beginning of my treatments. Who knows how it will be further in the treatments," he says. I feel bad for Corbyn, I hope he wins this battle with his cancer.

"You play the guitar?" Jonah asks. "Yeah, I learned it when I was 8 years old," he says. "Cool," Jonah says. "Can I see that drawing," Zach says. "Sure," he says and he stands up and gives Zach his sketchbook. Then he walks back to the couch. "You can sit if you guys want," he says because I, Jonah and Jack were still standing. I walk to Corbyn to sit on the couch and the others went to sit next to Zach. "These are good," Zach says. "Thanks," he says. Then Jonah's phone goes off.

"We have to go," Jonah says and looks sadly at Corbyn. "You guys didn't have to be here in the first place," Corbyn says. "We just were curious," Zach says. "Yeah. Can't we be curious?"Jack says and laughs. "Sure," Corbyn says and laughs. "Well, we should go then," I say and stand up. "Bye," I say. "Bye," he says and walks to Zach to grab his sketchbook. When he walks back to the couch he suddenly coughs a little. I immediately walk back to Corbyn.

"Are you okay," I say. "I'm fine. It is just a cough," he says and smiles. "You sure?" I ask. "Yeah. Don't worry about me," he says. "Okay," I say and give him a hug. "Bye," I say. Then I and the boys walk out of the room.

This is the one-shot I made based on a book I wanna make.

So my question is should I make this a book?😊

Let me know what think!

Requests are welcome!

Love you guys❤️

-xxx- Bella

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