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She had been reborn again.

She found herself in an average room. She had a small bed with pink covers much to her delight. She had a good amount of books in her bookshelf that was across her bed.

She looked in the mirror, she couldn't be more than four years old. When she gets reborn, she gets put in another's body. This time she's going to live an almost full life. Nyx marvelled at her appearance. She had red hair, like blood red and it lightened at the ends, her eyes were brown, almost black. She chubby cheeks held childhood innocence that she has never had before. She's never been this young.

"Asura, hunny, are you ready for school?"

That was her mother, she was guessing. She sounded kind.

"No, mama. I shall do it now, " Nyx said, her high voice surprising her.

Her mother came in, she was beautiful. Nyx dared say she was more gorgeous than Aphrodite herself.

"Would you like some help?" Nyx's mum asked.

Nyx nodded and her mother smiled and went and got the uniform from her wardrobe. She helped her get dressed and they went downstairs together. On the table were some coco pops and milk.

"I thought i would let you have your favourite breakfast seeing as it's your first day ever of school."

Nyx liked her mother, she seemed like a lovely lady.

She sat down and started eating her cereal. Looking around the place she noticed multiple photos of her and her mum. She also noticed a rather absent father figure. She decided not to ponder on that.

Once she had finished eating, much to her surprise, her mum took out her wand and levitated the bowl into the sink. Nyx relaxed, at least she wasn't with a muggle.

"It's time to go Asura, " her mum said softly.

Nyx, or Asura, stood up and picked up the bag next to the door assuming it was hers and walked out the door, her mum following close behind.

Walking out the street she notices the sign name for the street. Familiarity with the sign that said 'private drive'. She winked at the tabby cat.

"Hello McGonagall, " she whispered, making sure her mother didn't hear her.

The cat looked up at the girl in surprise before nodding at her.

Asura continued her way to school.

Nothing interesting happened at school, Asura found pretty pointless. She knew how to read and write, she had been doing it longer than the teacher who taught her.


"Yes, darling."

"Why do i have to go to school? i already know it all. I find it rather boring."

"What would you wish to do instead?" Her mother asked, curious as to what was going through the young girls head.

"Can you teach me something else?"

Her mum sighed, "very well dear."

Her mum had figured this would happen, she had raised a particularly bright girl. After all, she herself didn't attend muggle primary school.

Asura smiled.

She was completely unaware that her best friend had been killed the night before. Completely unaware that her old friend Sirius Black had just been sent to Azkaban prison for murder.

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