ch. 03 | again

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"I think I need to go home..." I remarked.

My brain was now flooding with a tornado of thoughts. I couldn't believe that my father could be someone I never really knew and it raised another question about the possibility of my mother being in the same boat as my father. The knowledge of this has extended far beyond my comprehension, but the again I somehow understand all of this and the concept of me possibly being some magical human. Knowing though that I have powers is pretty awesome though there's the factor of how I don't really know how to use it.

"Wait, I know I basically placed a bomb on your life, but know that I'm here and you can call me anytime," he added.

I sighed, "...Ugh, fine. What is it that you want?"

"Okay, look, I'm sorry about all this, but your very well known to the Magika, we need something from you and you're the only one who can provide it for us."

"What...?" I said as my mouth was agape.

"London, I know you can't trust, but you have to, please."

I became startled as an arrow was shot straight to his left shoulder. It pierced him, but what was more questionable about this ordeal is that no one saw. That's when it also struck me, the fact that time stood still once more, but still took affect to Karma here.

He grunted, "Ace... it's not a surprise that you were the one who shot me."

"Tsk, tsk. That's no way to talk to your best friend," he joked.

"...Who shoots their best friend?!" I exclaimed.

Karma had already pulled the arrow out of his left, bleeding shoulder leaving an open wound. I quickly walked to him, but he had healed himself by that moment. He's a healer from what I gathered —damn I'm slow — and she's some psycho girl who could be a demon? While this new guy manipulates time... Wow, this is confusing. It felt like math class, but with so many variables.

"I assume that you were there with Karma then?"

He stepped closer from within the shadows so when the light shone upon his body, I saw his baby blue eyes and soft, porcelain face. It really showed because his biceps were defined and I finally stopped staring at that second when I noticed the same about Karma. Karma had also been working out as his defined muscles could be seen clearly through his short sleeved shirt. His eyes were the same amber color as mine and it would be even more clear with the sun shining. They both had the same raven hair, but Karma's style was more of crew cut compared to Ace's which was a slicked back with his front hair pointing to the side. I better stop.

"Yeah, but I don't get how that's relevant to needing you," Ace said crossing his arms.

I scoffed, "Are you really going to be as annoying as Karma here?"

"Look, I don't have time to be --" I chuckled interrupting Ace and looked at me in a serious face. "Ha-ha, be quiet, I don't like messing around."

"Fine, but I just wanted to have fun seeing as I'm going to be doing the annoying things."

As time continued to stay still another batch came. It was Amy and her two pals one on each side which was total opposite to where Ace and Karma stood 'cause they had taken the sides that were most vulnerable. Amy though was the only of two who had their hooded cape off. I wasn't even ready for anything, but I knew one thing, when I get angry a fire ignites in me. Using that to my advantage as they began approaching me I held my hand out toward Amy as I let rage consume me. I hope this works.

Interrupted Karma shouts, "Stop!"

Rather confused because I needed to save myself otherwise I would potentially be taken, I didn't bother listening though to his loud remark. As the amber color was making its way to my vein and into my hand, Amy was able to trip me. She was quick, but it seemed Ace was faster which made sense as he was the one in control of time. I don't get it. My thoughts began running through my mind as I collapsed onto the floor landing face first as if I had been hit across the face in which I hadn't. What's wrong? I was still conscious enough to see someone's feet which started to become blurry, but I felt weak. My body was numb and I didn't know why. My answers came to me when I gasped for air because a piece of my memory flooded my mind.

* * *

A gentle nudge had awoken me from my dream. I was back again in this hellhole of a lab. They thought it could simply be fixed if it was in a hospital, but it would never be different compared to the pain they put us all through. I mean the fact that we're their test subjects makes it all the more difficult to even feel a slight sense of happiness, which most definitively won't happen. I finally stood up from my bed and saw that it was —o— which made me all the more happy. She always brought some light into this lab and it brought everyone that same joy.

"M-l--oe, you can't sleep all day," she got closer and whispered. "and you won't have to worry though because I brought you food and I'm taking your spot for today."

I quickly adjusted myself as I held her hand, "No. You can't do that, —o—I'm sure I can take it... plus everyone needs you."

She was basically an older sister who we all cared for and loved because she would usually be the one to take our places when she knew we couldn't Basically the only sunshine that we saw when we woke up. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I actually had siblings who loved me just as much as I did with them, but I don't think I'll ever be able to understand why they needed the youngest child.

* * *

When I woke up I saw my dad hovering over me and my mother sitting in a corner nervously biting her nails. During that moment I saw my father smile and he turned over to my mother saying a couple of words I couldn't hear. What the... why can't I hear? I quickly pull myself up and lean myself against the bed frame which caused my parents to rush over. They continued to talk, but I could tell they were concerned.

"I-I... can't..." I said sobbing. "mom... I can't hear..."

I could tell she understood me as her face eyebrows furrowed in sadness and began to cry. Wait, I feel like there's something wrong. Then, a doctor had arrived as he approached me and placed a hearing aid onto my ear. Finally, I was able to hear once more, but as I was about to talk a familiar face knocked at the door. I wasn't even sure how they looked familiar, but it gave me a sense of deja vu.

"Hi, my name is Karma. I helped your daughter, London."

"Oh yes, come in," my mother said as she welcomed him in my hospital room.

Karma approached me as he sat beside me, "How are you?"

I nodded and my parents looked over, but had went into a muffled conversation with the doctor. He smiled at me and took my hand. This guy is bold. I retracted my hand from him, but he took it back once again a feeling of deja vu.

"Wait... why do you look so familiar?"

He sighed, "Because we've met before."

"What do you mean? I literally just woke up from a week long coma?"

"Hm... I guess you don't remember."

"...Nope, but you don't seem that bad... and your name is Karma, how odd."

"Yeah, heh."

"Well, Karma, I'm London," I said extending my hand out.

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