ch. 11 | underworld

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My body felt that state of comfort in the underworld and here I wasn't apart of the gods because I had every single aspect that of the others, the horns, wings and tail. I was also unnatural to all as apart of my horn had been torn off, broken. Though being back where they had once left me meant nothing because on the other side it was worse. I had known that if I returned there would be terror far worse for those being tortured because my arrival caused chaos knowing that the daughter had returned to her abandoned home, calling for what they call a celebration. And with Ebony returning it was what they call hell's blessing.

"Oh, child, you've brought us a rather spectacular present," Charles replied with his Danish accent.

"...Just take her to father dearest and you can go do whatever with her, kill her if you must," I replied with disdain.

"If you insist, child."

He took Ebony away and I saw her smirk from her side angle. It was her pleasure, but I have to stay down here until they place her where she's meant to be, the tower of torture. Everyone who's done something wrong, correction, everyone down here who has done far worse than the outsiders belong in there. She's one of them and even as a demon they suffer their own punishment. After taking Ebony, Lucifer appeared before me as his darkened, raven wings fluttered and finally landed on the molten rock floor.

"Melinoe," he said.


"So, what's the daughter of Hades doing here?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Is there an issue?"

"Not at all," he clicked his tongue. "But I recall you abandoned this place."

"Ah, there is," I sighed. "Fine. I finally got precious Ebony back while you all failed miserably."

"Mind you that we didn't need you to find her because we never asked, love."

"You're quite right, but you were doing so well! You don't need love, mate," I mocked.

"Wow, what about your two lovers?"

"Keep quiet. I don't need you peeping out my own love life that won't exist because I'm stuck down here until Ebony finally dies!" I spat.

"I see I've ticked you off. No worries, love. I'll be back for you," he stated as he whisked away.

Just as I was about to walk away and get my own wings so that I could also whisk away. In came Ash, Lucifer's best bud, to annoy me just as Lucifer had. My wings were spread out, but I had them tucked back before Ash would be able to see.

"Ah, how lovely. It's Melinoe, nice of you to join us," he smiled.

"Oh, my god. It's Ash, now where's that pretty little phoenix of yours? What's it called, Blaze? Ash the second? Henric?" I kept joking.

"Ha ha. Very funny, Mel, but he's far too gone now. He's... dead," he said saddened.

I frowned, "Is that so?"

"Nope, hoping you would fall for that. Nah, he's just on a mission for me. You know I love getting new gossip."

"Ugh, you're a real downer, but I expect no less from father's chosen ones," I shrugged.

"No less from the daughter," he mocked.

"Eh, I'm not so important."

I began walking away when I kicked my leg out to test out Ash's skills, but of course he passed which was no surprise though I got some fun out of it. He was already behind me when I put my leg down.

"Really, Melinoe? That's the best you can do to a demon?"

I shrugged, "Nope, but at least I got a kick out of it."

He half smiled, "Are you really making a pun now?"

"It slipped. Not going to be the last time though because at least you'll be tortured by these puns," I mocked.

He rolled his eyes, "Well, I'm leaving."

"Ooo, you're afraid then. Alright, bye Ash."

That's when he flew away and I was about to do the same when more and more people seemed to be coming in to distract me. It was getting annoying so I transported myself away as far as possible to get myself some alone time. When I did I found both Ash and Lucifer together. They had been chatting with their favorite gal pal, Dena. She was one of the most annoying, brattiest, and smuggest people that has ever lived in the underworld. When I had noticed them I quickly spread out my wings and only went twenty inches off the ground when Dena called me out.

"Tsk. Tsk. You can't leave now, Melinoe," she scoffed as she crossed her arms.

I huffed and went back down as my wings dragged on, "Look, Dena. I hate you and I'm sure that's enough so, I will take off."

"Oh, really? Here I was thinking you'd enjoy seeing how Ebony is doing oh! Along with your two hotties on earth," she added.

I curled my fist, "Damn it! They're not mine! They're not objects like your boy toys, Ash and Lucifer, okay, Dena?!"

"Oof, someone is a little feisty, aye, Meli. Fine, they are my boys toys, but, uh, at least I didn't develop feelings for either of them."

The heat welled up against the palm of my hand and I extinguished it, "You know what, Dena. I'm glad that I fell for one of them because that means I have feelings."

"Yikes. That really hurt. Point proven, I don't have feelings meaning I really don't care of what you have to say any longer," she extended her hand out and unleashed a chain, roping me around it.

When she did I struggled and was now trapped by her chain of steel. I couldn't do anything about it because her chain caused me to lose all my abilities I mean, after all, she's been the one whose been ruling while I've been gone, basically my underling. I didn't bother to struggle because even she had a heart she still wouldn't let me go. She's hated me for as long as I've known her and it's the very same reason why I cause havoc when I dare come down here which is very rare. More so with the fact that I had forgotten about this place when they sent me to earth. I mean memories being wiped and all when Ebony came back it all came rushing in. The only way I pissed her off was the fact that I was still in the 'royal' bloodline which one could never get rid of. She hated me for taking her heart and I did too, we had hearts, but they crumbled when we developed a type of feeling no one should ever feel in the underworld, it wasn't love though. She took my heart out taking apart of me, my wings, the part that made me whole just like Lucifer. He though got his wings when I told my father. I couldn't because Dena was reluctant in giving them back. I now had only temporary wings and she hated me because I had done the opposite, her horn would be broken off as punishment for taking my wings. Though father didn't care for me, typical, really. So, now I was dragged along the scorching, hot ground as she took me to watch Ebony get tortured.

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