ch. 14 | hellfire

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I stopped holding onto Ash and when I did I turned around one last time, out of curiosity. They were gone and Lucifer was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed when he noticed me, he stood up to walk towards us. Somehow I feel like I pissed him off because when he got to us, he had ignored me which confused me further. It wasn't until we were halfway through the grass that I stopped and hesitated because now questions flooded my mind while most of them being about Lucifer.

"...Ugh! You're getting to my head here Luce so come on, spit it out," I demanded.

"Fine," he breathed.

I breathed a sigh of relief because I was getting anxious at the thought of either one of them hiding something from me. I trusted them enough to not lie. Ash did it often, but I knew all of the hard and resentful times which made me who I am. And I loved it. A desire and yearning feeling of the darkness that lied in me. After a brief moment he spoke suddenly when his mouth was going to fill with words Ash cut him off and took him away. I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms and started walking off so that they could have privacy. I hated secrets and I thought Ash would enjoy seeing Lucifer scramble for lost words. I also hated to admit that their bond could overtake anything I put in their way especially when one seemed to grasp the sense of love. It was adding on to the confusion that I thought I had solved, but there seemed to be more to it finally after my thoughts disappeared, they had finished up their conversation.

"Mel, it's safe to say that he's going to create a force field around the park," Ash remarked. "So... let's go on."

I raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me? How is it that you've convinced Lucifer here?"

Ash ignored me and Lucifer added, "He didn't. In a way you could say you did, but it doesn't matter now, does it?"

"Hm... I guess not," I replied.

I stood for a moment thinking about their conversation and nothing came to mind that would've convinced Lucifer to be persuaded into killing people. I mean, he was a killer in the underworld, but up here he changed. It clicked when I thought of the two males from before.

"Alright, I think I know how. You must've told Lucifer that you would save the two humans from before," I persuaded.

Ash interrupted, "No, not really."

"Don't mind if I do," I shrugged and muttered. "Guess he won't care if I end up accidentally killing them."

I started slowly walking away and headed in their direction though I stopped halfway through realizing that I couldn't find them. I began to find the three by creating attention. It was also a way to get almost everyone to fall under my trap. No one is going to be allowed to escape my wrath especially when I had just started to embrace it all. And just when I was walking away Ash ruins it because he appeared behind me to have me being pulled back.

"What do you think you're doing, Meli?"

"Oh? Am I Meli now? Well that's an interesting choice," I teased.

"Come on, I know you well enough what you're planning."

"No, you don't! Because I wasn't apart of this darkness before until," I pointed toward them as they all talked and laughed. "They did this to me. I'm actually glad though because all of this fear and sadness that's welled up in me is gone. It's been replaced by anger."

"...Fury and rage. I get it Mel, but Lucifer isn't the one you should be taking it out on and neither should it be these people," Ash explained.

"Wait. You're saying you're against me now? Are you serious?"

"I've realized that you're way more better as you were before. You also need to know, even though I stopped Lucifer from doing so, that you fell in love all of a sudden with one of the two."

"...The two males? The ones from before?" I pushed my hair back and sighed. "No. No! That's not true! You're telling me I fell in love with a human?!"

My voice caused for people to turn and suddenly my head was spinning. All these feelings rushed throughout my body, but the only thing that released from  the overwhelming sensation was undoubtedly, anger. I screamed and blazing blue hellfire bursted out of my body. That was when everyone around me had become scared because of my outburst. It wasn't surprising seeing as they were just naïve humans who had never seen a demon filled with more than just a tint of darkness.

"Mel! Stop!" Lucifer's voice echoed.

I couldn't help what I was going through. Lucifer had just informed me of a life I had before all of this. I had already known I had one, but the only thing clear to me was hate, anguish and sadness. All negative feelings, no positive ones. I had never been more angry to find out such a treacherous memory or lie. That's what it was to me, the words that had come out of Lucifer's mouth were just a lie. He was after all taught to lie so I wouldn't blame him for doing it now. I just wish he could take it back. I don't deserve happiness because I'm Hades' daughter, a girl who holds the darkness and light to the world. Except now it was more darkness than light.

"Lucifer... take it back...!" I screamed as a bloody tear started streaming down my left eye. "You, you cant' do this to me..."

Suddenly more hellfire came bursting out of my body causing a stronger force to be let out, pushing back everyone within range. Lucifer and Ash had been flung to either side and I was even more frustrated. My temper was supposed to be under control and yet they still provoked me. I didn't get their insatiable reasons. I had enough.

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