ch. 04 | an act

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Karma took my hand and shook it with a small smile, but it felt like a spark of electricity when it happened. I took my hand back and chuckled a little as I shook my hand. It was one of those sparks you feel when there's friction except it was different. There was a small headache that came after and I laid down when Karma had fluffed my pillow to bring me comfort.

"Heh, thanks. Uh... by the way... have you been waiting a week for me wake up?"

He blushed, "...Kind of."

"...I'm glad that there was someone worth waiting for and that I was that someone, but if we've met before... then you at least know what happened to me the day I fell into a coma."

I got back up and sat beside him since I wanted to get more of a feel for the conversation. Also, I felt tempted to get to know or remember this guy. He was really familiar after all and I needed to relieve that feeling of curiosity. So, this was my chance and I wasn't going to let it pass me by especially when my parents were too busy talking to the doctor.

"Go ahead," I gestured for him to start.

He began, "You and I actually just started talking, but in that moment I felt like I knew you. All of you."

"Haha, come on be serious," I softly punched him.

He chuckled, "But I am. London, you're really interesting and I wish we'd met under better circumstances."

"What?" I said tilting my head.

He continued, "Look, I'm not sure if I should tell you this because I don't know what kind of pressure or effect it can have on you."

With his comment in my mind I got up from sitting beside him and started pacing for a little, back and forth, in front of the hospital bed. Finally, my parents came back in just as I was thinking about giving Karma an answer. I rushed myself into the bed and welcomed my parents with a warm smile. My parents and I started talking, but out of the corner of my eye I noticed Karma stood up, he was obviously leaving.

"Um... mother, father, can Karma stay? After all I have to catch up on school and I know you might tell me to relax, but I'd like to know beforehand."

My mother sighed followed by her hands crossing then finally with a single nod. I turned to my father and he had agreed. After that my parents left, but eventually they would come back as there was still light outside. As soon as they left I went back to sitting beside Karma who had sat back down a moment after. I'm sure he had to have expected me suggesting such a thing to my parents. He after all had dropped the bombshell of knowing what occurred to me before my coma and possibly causing me a health problem if whatever he said could affect me.

I took his hand and cupped them with mine, "If you're worried about me, don't be. I've been in a coma for a week that much I know, but I'm sure I can trust you."

"...London, you have to understand something first."


"You have magic powers..."

"...Say what?"

I dropped his hands as he cleared his throat and stood up. Magic? Powers? Seriously?! It was really freaky because magic was all written in fantasy novels and as much as I love reading fantasy I was shocked hearing about magic. My reaction though proved him right because I went back to sitting on the hospital bed.

"Mother of --"

There goes my life, again. He proved it to me, but he proved it to me as another guy had showed up out of thin air and when I looked over his shoulder as he stood in the doorway, no one was moving. Why is he insistent on proving this? I walked over to Karma and grabbed his hand that led to me out of instinct to grasp his hand. I looked into his eyes and his face began to turn into this light pink color, realizing what I had done I immediately let go of his hand.

"S-Sorry, I just wanted to see if this was real."

"Yeah, that's fine."

I turned toward the guy in the doorway, "Anyway, who even are you?"

"Oh, you're done, romanticizing?"

"Wow... Okay. Are you jealous?" I mocked.

He stepped closer into the room as I had done the same, stepping closer to him. The way he acted wasn't a surprise because he gave those vibes away. I find him... intriguing, but intoxicating in a way that makes you feel free. Karma gave that freedom as well, but seeing the two just made it all the more déjà vú.

"I assume this isn't just déjà vú?" I asked.

I looked over at Karma who shook his head.

"That's not at all surprising," I sighed.

Karma added, "He's Ace and you've met him before too."

"Tch, are you going to give her, her memories now?" He asked crossing his arms and had leaned against the window.

"...You could've skipped all of this, but you chose to tell me?" I said monotone.

I then slumped back onto my bed. That's when I started thinking of not regaining memories, but rather have it be acted out. It's fun that way and exciting plus, I get to basically torture them in my own way. Bend to my will suckers. I got back up and walked beside Ace as I told him to move so, once he did I closed the curtains.

"Alright," I clapped. "you're just going to have to act it out for me."

Ace added, "No. That ain't happening, pretty eyes."

"I'm sure it is. I want it to happen and what choice do you have? 'Cause I certainly don't want another flood of memories."

"Hold up, another?" Karma questioned.

"...Look, if you're going to get information from me you know I'm definitely going to want to act," I mocked.

Ace began walking away with a wave and with quick thinking I ran in front of him making him stop from leaving as I began talking.

"If Karma wants it, you're included now, there's no way out."

"Yeah..." he said picking me up. "There is."

I was now behind him and as he was walking I away I ran and jumped on his back. At this point, he should just give up.

"I am not letting you leave," I said as he kept walking away while I was practically dragging him down.

He just wouldn't stop even as the nurses were frozen it was kind of awkward. Though Karma followed behind as he removed me from Ace's back.

"Hey, I was close to making him stay..." I groaned.

He sighed, "He isn't going to now let's go."

"Oh? Are you going to put up an act by yourself then?" I asked as he put me down.

"...I'm afraid so."

"Yes!" I excitedly replied and turned to hug him.

After that small moment time resumed as we went back to the hospital room I stayed at, which began to feel stuffy. With full on glee I closed the door so Karma wouldn't be embarrassed and plopped myself onto the bed. And so, Karma's act began even though I did this out of laughter. This was meant to be a joke, but it's fun. An hour had passed by as Karma lent me his lap and I slept on it because I had gotten tired. Another hour passed and I finally woke up to a sleeping Karma. Shoot, my parents should be here soon.

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