ch. 18 | first

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There was an overwhelming amount of pressure on my body. I wanted to try and wake up, but I couldn't because I was stuck in a void all alone. It felt cold in here and knowing that I would be in here for a while sacred me... at least until I was back where I was born. The underworld where I saw my mother talking to my father and I was looking at them through my younger eyes. I was sixteen at the time and I could see them having a good time, but all I felt was sadness. I couldn't understand why, until both Ash and Lucifer were standing by my father and mother when a group of demons had appeared -- they were revolting against them. After a minute they had their guns pointed at them as my mother was placed behind my father and the two stood guard by my father. That's when I felt an overwhelming anger in me I couldn't control myself. I stepped out from my hiding spot as I ran where I would be in between them.

"Stop!" I shouted as my voice echoed throughout the walls.

"No, Meli, stop!! Come here!!" My mother yelled back at me.

I had my arms spread out, but obviously the demons wouldn't stand down. Instead they were ready to fire so they did. The problem was that they all aimed at me, but I wasn't afraid to die because something else occurred. Once I died I remembered the smallest of details of the underworld because I was where everything began since earth -- the lab, a place where Ebony was created. Thinking about this now I doubt that Ebony was supposed to even be in the hands of humans. Everything about being a human made me up till now yet the realization that my human parents had to be killed started making sense. They died to get Ebony into me and the resurrection was apart of that. The one thing I didn't get was Ace and Karma because they barely did anything that would have the most significant meaning. Then, the connected pieces brought me back when I was twelve.

"Hey, mom, I need to talk to father, do you know where he is?" I asked.

She turned from her conversation, "Hold on, Meli. I'll take you to him once I'm done talking."

"That's okay. I'll just continue to explore until I find him."

She nodded her head and went back to conversing with her friends while I walked around. I looked at everything around me and that's when I saw a room that lit up and was filled with books. I only ever run into this place once, but never got a look of what was inside this room. So, once I entered inside I saw a lamp that was lit and I began walking towards it. As I got closer I saw both Lucifer and Ash sitting down reading a book. They were two years older than me and with that in mind I had known why they were here. As fourteen year old demonic boys whose only sole purpose is to serve my father they needed to know everything. I was peering over the bookshelf until they noticed me at least I thought so because someone else appeared before them it was Dena.

"What brings you here, Dena?" Ash asked.

"I'm curious. You two are going to send two demons to earth?"

Lucifer sighed, "Yeah, but why is that a need to know?"

"Eh, because someone's curious and it's her," she emphasized in my direction.

I heard the chairs scratch against the floor when I turned around. Right after I tried sneaking away, but Dena stopped in front of me as she smiled. She pushed me back and turned me forcefully in both Ash and Lucifer's direction. They whisked their books away and came walking in my direction. As they arrived closer Dena held me back. I was confused by this action, two people who protect my father and one who's supposed to be my own protector.

"What are you doing?" I asked in confusion.

"Sorry, Melinoe, but you're not supposed to know," Ash replied.

Dena held me down as Lucifer extended his hand out showing a glowing light emerging from his hand as I looked into it — everything done in order to make me forget. I was back in the void knowing that I was still trapped and couldn't do anything. Suddenly, I saw the light and started walking towards it which led me to another forgotten memory, but not so forgotten because it was the one where Dena took it all when I was fourteen.

"Dena, I'm going to the library," I shouted as I walked out of my room while she was in the bathroom.

I shut the door and began walking to the library when Ash and Lucifer were walking by, Lucifer stopped me as Ash nodded and continued on.

"So, how you been doing?" he asked.

"I'm okay, but why ask now?"

"Honestly, you look different from before."

I crossed my arms, "Before? Wait... do you mean my haircut?"

"Heh, no, but not bad seeing as you're always messing up your hair," he teased.

"Hey! That's rude. Ugh, seriously now, is it my father?"

"Nope, but we need to talk."

I sighed, "Fine, follow me I'm going to the library."

We talked as if there was no place to go to and laughed as if we were alone. It felt content because I finally felt like I was home. He made me feel like there was no tomorrow which I enjoyed knowing that my parents were always busy. And finally we arrived so we walked in as I took a book from the shelf while taking it to the table. After I sat down he reached his hand out as a book landed in his hand.

"Wow, would you teach me that?" I asked joyfully.

He sighed laying the book down, "Fine, come over here."

I got up and walked around to him as I smiled happily. He gave me instructions and after some time I finally got it. I started off by breathing in and exhaling then I extended my hand out the same way he had done as I finally did I got a book to land in my hand. When it did I leaped up and I set the book down as I did I hugged Lucifer.

"Thank you! Honestly, it's the first time I felt... useful."

He didn't hug me back at first until after a second he did which actually surprised me. After another second I let go, but he wouldn't.

"Hey there, is something wrong?" I asked.

He let go, "I told you I needed to talk to you."

"Hm, this is getting... scary," I laughed a little.

He cleared his throat and he fiddled with his hand a little until I took it from him so I ended up holding his hand.

"Heh, I thought I would be the nervous one," I joked.

"That's because I wanted to tell you that —"

I let his hand go as I cupped his head leaning it closer to mine and closed my eyes. And I placed my lips onto his in doing so he had done the same in return. Our lips and bodies pressed against each other as it felt like we were being lifted into the air with no one around us. We let go after a couple of seconds.

I whispered, "I kind of known for a while now."

He chuckled as a smile spread across his face and I smiled back. I leaned my forehead against his and we smiled at each other for a little with no words being spoken because we knew what we wanted.

EbonyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora