ch. 10 | ebony

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Her life was all about me, hunting, killing and living. She did it all and risked everything just for me. The question is why? I left her and she knew that because she also knows what she's done. There isn't a doubt where I wouldn't risk it all to save them even after all that I've remembered.

"There is one more thing to add to all this weight and you're going to love this," she mentioned cockily.

"Tch, you and your petty games."

She snarled, "It's your pathetic and weak brother-figure."

"There's no doubt that you'd have killed him by now, after all all you did is spit out lies."

"No, it's no lie. I'll even throw him in with all the boys you have wrapped around your finger," she snapped.

"...You have something. A leverage, so do I. You want me dead, you want me to suffer, but here's the thing, why can't I be like you?"

She took a step back as I stepped closer. She knew what I was talking about which is what she didn't want, but it was also her fear, these memories weren't just for show because they were useful against her.

"Ebony, you can't have it all. They may have named the project after you, but you're the monster that kids fear. And I just happen to be the only one who can match against you," I added.

"You're not one to take on all the darkness. I knew what I was getting into and I didn't care. So, be one with the darkness and kill the darkness that's within me because you're too weak to even try!" she spatted.

"You've already taken notice of my eyes, you know I'm already being consumed. You're the one who wanted to die."

The darkness slowly arose within me as the fire that once burned red-orange turned into the hottest degree of the color blue, hellfire. It was simply best fit for the girl who descended from Hades' line. I'm meant to bring the evil back down to the underworld and it meant I would have to go back. My veins were courses with the blue fire and soon sparked out from my hand.

"You're right, Melinoe. I want to die especially for all the lies and deaths, but it never mattered."

"You will bring Eden to me. He's not apart of your life anymore and you sure as hell know that. You've caused destruction and my deaths along with pain. You killed my parents!"

"Believe me when I say that it was not enjoyable, but was necessary."

The fire formed into a ball as I was ready to launch it at her, but was quick as I missed. Now behind me she started lurking from every corner causing me to not fixate on one spot. She wanted to die yet she puts up a fight well... it's not like I didn't expect one and this would be entertaining. It came to my realization though that Ace and Karma were no longer pinned as it was the two of us.

"You fail to show your face, Ebony. You hide with that demon-like body," I snarled.

Her voice echoed, "Are you sure you want to see the precious sister you once had?"

Finally, she appeared from the right side and when she had she transformed into herself, the girl I had known before this. Someone who I became so fond of, but had lost the light in her eyes. Even that glint faded in and out. It was until she approached me the way she was now, that I let my guard down. I was so intent in believing that she was still in there somewhere. To no surprise she used it as an illusion as she approached from behind and dug into my back reaching in for my heart. She tried and had failed when I caused the hellfire to blaze from my body.

"It's not like I wasn't prepared," I said slyly as I removed blood from the corner of my lip.

"Guess all that suppressed anger, hate and sadness arose from all of you so of course you unleashed it when you were going to die in my hands."

"It's time I bid my farewell to you, Melinoe. Time is ticking and I've stalled long enough, you have three hours and thirty minutes left," she cackled and disappeared.

"No!" I screamed.

My hand set ablaze out of spite. This anger was only rising reaching the point of my suffering. She knew and I knew that I wouldn't let anyone die because of me. There was no point in being the one to live when you'll end up living with regret and sadness. They also say that you'll move on, but I know myself and I know I won't be able to. She's not going to be the one that takes it because I know that I can kill myself just as much as she does. I mean that's what she wanted, a flame that could burn through anything even yourself. I have to reset, a new life so that they can live and so that I can finally take her to the underworld. There's no way that she'll make it on her own at least not without me which is why she chose that particular ultimatum.

I muttered, "Looks like you'll get what you want, Ebony."

I walked out as tears started streaming down my cheeks. I knew I would have to give it all up for her satisfaction, but for their sake as well. I knew that I couldn't just do it as a selfless act because as much as I want to live for myself they needed a chance to be apart from all the chaos. The burns, the scars and the hurt that followed me. As I walked out I began running to the park where I finally felt love. Finally arriving at the park I created a burning hellfire around me as the continued tears continued to cloud my eyes. As long as I sealed everything no one would know that I would be creating a way back to the underworld, to my 'home' and finally back where no one would recall my name, London. A girl who tried so hard, but got nowhere and finally met her demise. Finally as I finished she arrived as she looked around and ran towards me. She knows that she won't be able to stop what's about to commence.

"You want to be someone different?! You want to change, then here's chance. Die and go back because I'll be dying alongside you, Ebony..." I called out.

"I never did! I don't care anymore!"

"You like being in control, but it hurts knowing that you'll meet your end, doesn't it?" I replied back.

She walked closer, "I hope you know that you'll never be able to come back so, no it won't hurt because I'll be satisfied."

"That's fine, it's what I wanted even if I have to reset..." I mumbled the last words.

"Tch. It's what you want."

"My life isn't there... it's here," I continued to mumble.

Soon as the flames ignited a firewall around us I felt the intense heat of my own fire, but it was worth it because I would die happily knowing what I did because I finally got her to be in her place of satisfaction. I just hope that she never discovers the truth about my living existence when I finish with her. The hell flame began to burn our body though not in pain it brought us to the underworld. My body transformed into its natural state, Melinoe, Hades' daughter.

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