ch. 16 | dream

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My mind filled with static as every voice attacked me from each side and I could not bare it anymore. My hands welled up with hellfire and I opened my eyes seeing the reflection of fire and anger in it I broke it. As I looked down upon the pieces I picked one up and saw that my eyes began glowing once more with amber. I knew that everything I had done was out of the dark, pitiful void in me, but I couldn't help myself. It was the humans who tempted me as they cried in anguish and looked at me in fear. They made me want to end their terrible lives. From the start they should have already treated life as if though they were never going to get it back or even be able to become born again. I turned as Lucifer struggled in his chains, I couldn't resist. I crouched to his level and grabbed his jaw. Then, I smiled and finally gave into demand, I snapped his neck.

"Face it, Luce, you are not able to escape," I mocked.

I stood back up and let him lay against the cold, hard floor though, that would be wrong seeing as the view was that of the underworld with most of the overworld's humans. I walked toward the exit as I felt Lucifer's hand on my ankle.

Lucifer croaked, "What have you done?"

I turned to him crouching once more, "Nothing, it was already in play after all it was their own demise that brought them here."

"Liar... you're a coward, Mel."

"Let me tell you something... they're humans who are going to become my servants. They'll serve to build my empire. I will be their ruler, father will suffer. And he may have given me everything, but you know him, he's no different from the rest," I hissed.

"As a god, you have power, but they never use it for the worst."

I stood up as my arm covered itself in one rune, the moon and sun. It was the meaning and symbol behind my name. I was supposed to be balance so when it showed up on my arm all I could see was the moon slowly taking over the sun, unbalanced.

"...I'm not a god, Lucifer, you know that. I truly don't understand why you dare protect humans. They see you as a wrongful being yet you side with them, why?" I said looking down as my bangs covered my face.

"Because Mel, I learned about their struggles, efforts and even their cruelty, but I saw past that. At first I saw only emptiness then I saw everything."

My hands curled into a fist and another bubbling heat coursed through my veins then I released it smashing my fist into a wall. With a slight gesture the wall cracked as pieces of cobble fell down. The crack was forming into something bigger. That's when I moved my bangs away and I felt pressure mount on me as my horns formed from my head with one broken.

"Thank you for your input, but I believe I decide their fates. You have grown soft far too quickly Lucifer which is why I have to... kill the one who saw past your true self," I grinned.

His face became distorted and from the look I at least knew he had someone. All that was left was to find them which was going to be complicated seeing as he's not vulnerable enough. Being vulnerable would mean that I was going to get into his head, but I couldn't seeing as I hadn't broken him enough.

"...Pathetic, what they say about you now will be different, a nightmare," he spat.

"No! I wasn't born without a heart. I wasn't always like this! Now you blame me?!" I screamed as my words echoed.

"I don't blame you, but know that you'll be forgotten after years pass by. You'll be no different from the rest and know that after time you won't be satisfied," Lucifer remarked.

I closed my eyes and breathed in. I know. I believe all his words because I know my fate. It was foretold in my dream. My hand turned into a fist as I thought about it and I couldn't let it go. Soon after, my jaw clenched and this single dream had occurred the same day I was unconscious. It twirled in my mind as these thoughts lingered about so as it became clear I breathed in once more eventually causing me to walk away. And before stepping out I replied "I know." Finally, I gave out when I walked down the staircase. I fell down them as I took a misstep, but I held onto the railing which caused me to have a twisted ankle in the end. So, as everything spun out of control I envisioned a little girl.

"Hey... oh, god," I rubbed my temple.

"...What's wrong?"


She sat beside me on the staircase, "I know... you can let go."


"It's okay. We both know that we can be free," she whispered.

My head continued to spin until finally I mustered up the courage to get myself back up. She stood in front of me all of a sudden as she extended her hand out to me. My eyes were fixed on her because... it was me. I didn't want to let go of myself because I had known that if I did then I would regret it. Then, I took my hand in hers.

"I know you can love. You just need to let go... let go of everything here and now."

"Why are you here?" I softly spoke.

"Because you've gone down too far. Just come back..."

"I can't."

That's when she let go of my hand and as I was about to walk away her hands glowed with a white light shining on it. I tried covering my eyes and shielding myself from it, but I couldn't because with her other hand she held onto my wrist so when I had looked into the light it struck me with everything that was held back.

"Guh ahhh!!" I groaned.

"Goodbye... Meli."

It was the last thing I heard when I was unconscious once more. That dream replayed in my mind and that's when it began burning me.

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