ch. 06 | demons

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When I had waken up Ace was gone and my parents were napping where Ace once was. I got up to brush my teeth and hair because I wasn't going to school looking like trash. As I finished up I walked into my room seeing my parents whose throats were slit. My emotions had gone haywire because I couldn't believe my eyes. Whoever had done such a gruesome and painful thing was going to get hell. I collapsed onto the floor as the guys had rushed in. Karma tried comforting me, but I was fussing because nothing was going to make me happy at this point. After a while my parents were gone and I had cried myself to sleep. I was back in my room without the comfort of my parents when Karma knocked on my bedroom door. I turned over and I felt Karma looming over me as I invited him to my bed.

"If you're here to help then just stay quiet and lay beside me."

"I mean if that's what you want, then so be it."

He walked over and lay down as I faced away from him. I suddenly got this feeling of discomfort though. My veins had began to glow an amber color as I shot up and looked to Karma. He was shocked too except he couldn't do much, but use his healing powers to bring me a form comfort. That's when it began getting tricky because using his power was weakening him so I told him to stop. What happened after that was painful because not only was I getting a pain in my stomach I was also getting a headache. It began again when I began coughing blood which wouldn't stop leading up to my nose as blood dropped down. I got off the bed and Karma rushes over to aid me. I couldn't handle it though. The last thing I knew was that I died, I saw only a faint light.

* * *

"—— y!" I called out.

My hand was reaching out for her as she disappeared in a hospital bed. Their guards had been holding me back from having a temptation to try and stop them. They always did this to us and told us not to be afraid. As a child a monster was always something that one would be afraid of and there's no turning back on that. Even now they tell you the same thing, but they never told us we would end up being afraid of one another. It hurt all of us to know that we were seen as monsters. We were the punished ones and they didn't care about you one bit yet they continued to repeat the same nonsense. Couldn't they tell we were already afraid since the beginning.

"Shh, M. Always remember that she's here no matter what," he replied in comfort.

Another person who was apart of this experiment he was also fond of ——y. Frankly, I saw them as my siblings just like everyone here, but slowly it was like they began to disappear. It's not like I was completely clueless whenever they said, 'It was time for them to move on.' As if anyone will move on from this hellhole and I wasn't just a dumb ten year old who didn't know about death. My family was always there for me except now I hardly recognized them as their faces faded from my memory.

I nodded, "Yeah."

Afterwards I had given him a hug. I just wish she was here. Another moment passed as I fell asleep on his lap. He was warm and always made me feel safe whenever ——y wasn't here. Then, as I was asleep a loud boom was heard which awoke me. Eden. He wasn't with me anymore and I got up from my bed as a couple bodies were scattered on the floor, their throats slit. I stood there in shock, but I had quickly took cover by a dresser when a girl who I knew touched my leg. Her eyes glowed a neon blue as it signified her power. She was using her last breath on clairvoyance and when she did it showed me her vision. What I saw horrified me. In the moments where I was sleeping everything happened quickly through her eyes. She saw ——y who looked terrifying her arms were covered halfway in black ink and her hair turned into a raven color. What followed was her massacre that now lay before me. Her eyes showed something different from before as she wanted them to feel fear worse than what they showed us. They did this to her... why?

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