ch. 12 | tragedy

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The searing pain I felt when I was finally on my two feet caused me imbalance which Dena enjoyed. A smirk spread across her face when Ebony finally appeared on the big screen. Ebony has the same expression because even shackled down she still put up a fight, she didn't give up easily. Just then Dena pushed me against a floating chair so that I would be able to witness the view that I've been waiting for. She loved torturing anyone even if they didn't deserve it, like me for example though she had always hated me. As have I, but unlike her I always had kept my emotions of negativity in check. She loves being in control and so do I which is also one of the reasons why we were alike and even as my underling she was still learning. I was distracted that I had forgotten all about her boy toys, now they certainly had something that I loved. A story worth telling and worth remembering. They intrigued me from the start because I had known them for as long as I had known Ebony and Dena what's more was the fact that they were similar to Ace and Karma. They were saviors on earth, but on hell, they were the troublemakers.

"Tch. It's no fun when Ebony enjoys it," Dena chimed.

"Ooo, did you really expect her out of all people to be crying in agony?" I spat.

Dena in her weird, quirky way had skipped over to me causing me to be uneasy because she could act as if though there was nothing wrong, but in reality it was destroying her on the inside that she was going to make sure there was suffering involved. If she suffered everyone had to as well.

"Well then, shall I throw you in there so that I get to see one feel the pleasure while the other suffers a greater torment than any other?" she suggested.

"Pathetic," I scoffed. "The only way you'll get what you want is if you're dead."

"Aw, too bad. I'm already dead and yet I suffer less."

"Oh no, you're not suffering enough because you look rather pleased," I mocked.

"It's a pity. You have no one, yet you still put up a fight, why are earthlings like this? Are you not the sun and moon, the darkness and the light? Because you seem more of warm-hearted pure soul who doesn't belong down here or anywhere," she ranted.

The hellfire that I carried started oozing out of my body as it caused the steel to melt. Her powers were weakened causing her to lessen the chains powers which was I had been wanting the entire time, I was pissing her off. She noticed that I was out and stopped caring at that moment because soon after she had broken the barrier that stood between Ebony and us. Her fury caused for even more chaos because with Ebony's raging anger for revenge and her darkness she would unleash an even greater hell than hell itself.

"What have you done?!" I yelled.

Lucifer and Ash had already disappeared and I could only assume it was to warn father and it would be for the better. Dena's anger was oozing off of her as her aura became darker than what was before. I caused this... At that moment the thoughts and the memories from before when I had been on earth started to race across my mind. I couldn't bare the thought of losing anyone and if I was the maker. I had to make sure to at least save the underworld even if this decision was the worst one because I couldn't think of anything else. I extended my hand out to Ebony and then to Dena. I had to merge all of us so that I would be the only one with darkness because I was the only one who still had the light. They tried to escape my grasp, but I already had a hold of them, one strong enough that it was unescapable. Though when I began the chant I was confronted by Ace and Karma.

My eyes widened, "How?"

Ace opened his mouth when Ash interrupted, "We brought them to you, Mel. We knew that we couldn't let you go without saying goodbye to your wonder boys."

I half smiled, "Didn't catch either of you as nice guys. After all this is hell."

"Look, Mel, we may have followed along with Dena, but this is too far," Lucifer added.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing, L?" Karma asked.

Ace continued, "You're not supposed to die, London because I still love you."

"Heh, I'm glad that you're taking this rather easy," I sighed. "I love you too, Ace... but you both should know that I won't be the same after this..."

"Hey, we'll be here for you," Karma commented.

My nerves and body had become more relaxed. They were helping me move into transition and they didn't even know it, but by the looks of both Ash and Lucifer it was clear to them. But before I could go completely from the fading light I had to say goodbye before they had to leave the underworld as I had known in fear they could become demons themselves. Something I wasn't going to let happen especially if they're going to see only darkness in me from now on. And going to earth, I would have to at least take Ash and Lucifer with me since they at least had known what was going on with me and inform the two about the new me that could possibly never see the light.

"I'm glad you two were able to be here," I smiled one last time as a tear fell.

Darkness. They were gone and so was I. My body collapsed onto the floor as did Ebony and Dena. A tragedy had befallen on hell and I was to blame. All these incidents had been because of me. No one was more responsible than I. A calamity had befallen on... Ace and... Karma. Wait, who are they? Their names sound familiar on my mouth, but they were becoming blurry in my mind. An effect had taken place. A replacement for all the good memories I had because I wasn't allowed any good. Pain. Then, as I finally woke up I was laying on my bed asleep and I got up when a familiar voice called out to me, calling my name, Melinoe. My eyes were adjusting to light of the room. Finally, the view became clearer and I saw Lucifer. His arms were crossed and behind him sat Ash.

"What... happened?" I asked as I croaked.

Lucifer sighed, "You're a baggage, Mel."

I groaned and finally stood on my feet, "Huh?"

"...I think you should just rest, Mel. You've... taken in too much," he went on.

Ash sighed heavily, "That's one way to put it."

I tilted my head as I looked over at Ash, "Really? You're worthless. A trash that's piled up into a greater beast. Don't you dare insult me, Ash."

He bolted up and confronted me, "Look, you're a real piece of work, Melinoe because you've caused more damage in a day than I have."

I smirked as I took I reached my hand out for his neck and took it, "So fragile... so... mundane. Why are you demons so weak? Calling me pathetic... oh, that's funny."

"Hey, watch it, Mel," Lucifer added.

I let Ash go as he was breathless and I chuckled, soon after I changed into their uniform. Now, with all the events I knew that I was actually demon who had so much potential, but was wasted on being helpless and emotional. I knew that they needed me and that my father did too because being one of the good ones was a sore mistake which should have been fixed a long time ago.

"Come now, you two. I have new matters that would need tending to," I commanded.

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