Part 13

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".... I'm"
"Uhh boss we have a problem"
"Can it wait" Brian answered
"Nah y'all might want to come out for this."
Hearing feet walk away we hurried up and got out and put our clothes on. What the fuck could be so important?
Rushing back into the room I saw what the problem was.
"How the fuck did he get out?" Turning to Brian I asked him to hand me my phone. While he is yelling at the guys I go through the security footage. I smell a fucking rat and I'm not a fan of rats, they're disgusting. Finding what I needed I walked towards Brian and grabbed his gun out of his pocket and shot.
Everything got quiet, handing Brian my phone to watch what I saw I step forward and begin to speak.
"We have absolutely no time or tolerance for snakes or rats here. If you can't get with the fucking program then get the fuck out because I won't repeat myself. That was just the warning now if anyone else would like to voice there objections now is the fucking time." This is why only a few of the men knew of my plan cause people just can't be trusted.
"We know he wasn't working alone so, go ahead and step forward," said Brian . He was way too calm. Watching him sit down I sat in his lap. I wonder how he is going to play this a few people looked really nervous so I'm going to assume it's more than the two people we knew about.
People ain't shit.
I should start playing Russian roulette with their heads as the targets.
He is really gone, I should have killed him when I had the chance but no I wanted to play games and have some fun. Reaching for the gun again Brian grabs my hand to stop me. I'm pissed off because I had the opportunity. I guess it's not an eye for an eye. I mean if we can even call it that. Cause I don't think we were even close to even. All I did was fake my death, get with his best friend and give him a few scraps, I had a few more things planned before we could be even.

So how the fuck none of these bitches notice his ass limping out of here.

I got questions.
"Yeah I got questions, you can think over things in your head but I need some clarification real quick." Brian put his head on my back so no one could see his face and how pissed he was so I took that as my go a head. "So nobody noticed the bleeding man being helped out of this bitch? Oh!! or maybe! Where the fuck was everybody at? Leo, did you get paid?" He nods his head. "Is everybody here on our payroll?" Some people nod their heads while some roll their eyes or look away. They got me fucked up, "Bennett did you have something you wanted to say."
"We ain't on yo payroll we on Brian's, and if he wasn't fucking you then you'd still be broke getting your ass kicked."
Before I could finish there was a gun shot that went off. I didn't realize Brian was shaking but I had never seen him so pissed. Lifting me off him he stands and sets me in the chair. Well he saved Bennett from hearing my mouth, poor thing shit himself and the bullet had only grazed him.
"Bennett and the other half of you don't know shit about shit. Now what I do know is who all I need to fucking kill and she is the only reason half of y'all is still on payroll. Hey Bennett, did you ever ask yourself how your little girl got accepted into that private preschool after she was denied. Oh and Jasper what about that surgery your wife needed, where she was at the damn near bottom of the donor list and magically was at the top over night. When shit happens she's the one that's making sure y'all good and y'all have no fucking loyalty to that."
"Boss, we"
"I know y'all didn't know but why should that matter, if you gone claim to be part of this family then have no loyalty to it then we might as well get rid of you. She did that shit and didn't check with nobody but me and mike about the details. Now tell me why the fuck shouldn't I kill the motherfuckas that ain't got no fucking loyalty to me or her."
Damn that shit was hot! Get it the fuck together now is not the time to want dick when shitty McGee is standing 5 feet away. Turning to mike I mouth 5 bucks he gone kill them. Mike shrugs his shoulders and nods while holding up a 4. He not gone kill four he gone kill 2 cause he gone want the other ones to sweat. I hold my hands up and show him I'm going for 2. Turning back towards Brian I see him watching us from the side of his eye. Now he better pick 2 and I want him to spare Bennett, Bennett is the most useful one right now. Plus he did shit himself that's pretty fucked up.
"Now start saying your prayers and Hail Marys cause we bout to play a game." Raising the gun he waits as people begin to pray and then fires off two quick shots then....

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