Chapter 10

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"Holiday! Holiday! We're going on holiday!" the servants cheerfully sang from a horse-drawn buggy that was following behind a coach that carried Ciel, Angelina, and Sebastian, who was driving.

"Listen to those happy voices," Sebastian said. "The young master was very kind to invite them along."

"Oh, be quiet," Ciel said waving Sebastian off while holding a sleeping Angelina. "I'd rather not leave those four alone at the manor for long. It'd likely be in shambles when we came back."

"Whatever you say, my lord," Sebastian said with his signature smirk.

After a while, the group arrived at Houndsworth. The servants all gaped at the empty and spooky looking place. The trees all looked dead with dog collars hanging from their branches by chains.

"I thought we were going to the queen's resort," Bard said.

"Oh right, I forgot to mention," Ciel said turning to face the servants. "I'm here to discuss land agreements. The actual resort won't be built for a while." All the servants sighed.

The ride through town was quiet for the most part. A few people were out training and some playing with their dogs. This, of course, lead to Sebastian stating his distaste for them.

Before long, they all ended up on top of a hill where a large mansion sat. A lovey, young maid with light purple hair exited the mansion and walked towards the carriages. About this time, Angelina started to wake up and yawn.

"Lord Phantomhive?" the maid questioned.

"Yes," Sebastian confirmed.

"Welcome," the maid said with a bow as Ciel stood from his seat. "I am Angela, head maid. I will take you to my master now."

Ciel and Sebastian followed Angela inside as the servants stayed behind to take care of the luggage. Angela lead them to a room where she stepped in first. After a moment, loud lashes were heard. Ciel and Sebastian entered the room to see Lord Barrymore whipping Angela. "I asked you to bring me the queen's guard dog!" he yelled. "Who is this Chihuahua?!"

"Chihuahua?" Sebastian questioned.

Suddenly, Angelina started to cry. The whipping was scaring her. No doubt it might have been causing a flashback. "Sebastian," Ciel said sternly as he tried to calm Angelina.

"Yes, sir," Sebastian said before taking hold of Lord Barrymore's wrist, stopping him from whipping Angela anymore.

Ciel was able to draw Barrymore's attention to him and started talking about the property in Houndsworth. Angelina didn't like Barrymore at all. After seeing him whip someone, she became terrified of him. Ciel did his best to keep Angelina calm as he talked to Lord Barrymore.

"I won't sell," Barrymore said. "I can't. No with the curse."

"Curse?" Ciel asked interested.

"The curse of the demon hound," Barrymore said. "The creature destroys all who go against the Barrymore name."

"Sounds interesting," Ciel said with a small smirk.

"Huh?" Barrymore said in confusion.

"While, you might try to use this curse to scare me off," Ciel said. "Truly, it only makes me want to stay more."

"I'd watch your tongue, boy," Barrymore said. "Lest you heed the curse, any and all of you could be wiped out by the demon hound, even that little one there." He pointed at Angelina. She whimpered and snuggled closer to Ciel.

Ciel gently patted her head as he gently glared at Barrymore. "No curse will scare away a Phantomhive," Ciel said.

Lord Barrymore just became more and more angry until Ciel and Sebastian left to go to Ciel's room. Angela silently lead them there while looking at the floor. "I hope you'll, be comfortable," she said with a bow.

Ciel nodded before entering his room with Sebastian trailing behind. Ciel's and Angelina's bags were already inside. Ciel sat in a chair near the fireplace as Sebastian began to unpack.

Angelina started to whimper and cry out a little. "Sebastian, Angelina needs her milk." Ciel said.

"Right away, my lord," Sebastian said quickly preparing a bottle and handing it to Ciel. Ciel held the bottle towards Angelina until she started drinking. While in the middle of feeding her, they heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," Ciel said.

Angela entered the room looking timid. "Please, young Phantomhive. I beg of you to leave this place," she said fearfully.

"Oh? Why's that?" Ciel asked not feeling that interested.

"I fear the demon hound will surely come after you and the child," Angela said.

"There is no-" Before Cielcould finish his sentence, they were all shocked at a loud sound from outside and a huge shadow appearing on the window. Angelina cried in fear.

"Sebastian!" Ciel exclaimed as he held Angelina close.

Sebastian quickly ran up to the window and pulled the curtains back. There was nothing to be seen outside. "What was that?" Ciel asked.

Suddenly, they saw a crowd form outside the mansion. Ciel, Sebastian, and Angela quickly headed out to see what was going on. Bard, Finny, Mey-Rin, and Tanaka followed shorty after in their night attire.

"Angela, you must get Lord Barrymore!" one of the villagers exclaimed. "The demon hound has struck again!"

"Who was the punished one?" Angela asked with a shaking voice.

Ciel held Angelina closer as they headed into town towards the murder scene.

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