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Hyunjin POV

I finally had him under me, he was beautiful, a complete mess. I barley even started and he looked wrecked. I might only be able to have him this one time but I'll be sure to leave my mark on him.

"Now you're going to be a good boy right? Going to listen and do everything I say?" I leaned down closer to him inches away from his face, I could feel his breathing speed up.

"Yes." He stuttered out turning his head to the side. Trying to hide the blush on his cheeks.

I gripped his face turning him back to face me. "Yes what?" Say it." I demanded.

"No..." trying to wiggle out of my grip but failing. "It's embarrassing." He whispered.

A smirk grew on my face. 'I'll make you submit.' I closed the space between us giving him a harsh and dominating kiss. I kept my grip under his chin as I slid my other hand down his slim waist towards his thighs. Once I reached the middle of his thighs I gave him a tight squeeze cause him to gasp at the sensation. I took the opportunity to slip my tongue and explore his mouth, he tasted sweet like strawberries. I trailed my hand up and down his thigh earning small whimpers from him, I loved the affect I had on him. I stopped touching him and back away from the kiss hovering over him again.

He looked up at me eyes half lidded. "Please, keep touching me." He begged.

I went to nibble and suck on his earlobe earning a small moan. "Beg properly and you might just get what you want."

He looked defeated from just this much, I couldn't wait to see him completely wrecked and fucked out. I traced light over his skin, working my way down from his neck to right above his fully hard erection. He squirmed from the light grazes.

"please touch me, daddy. I'll be a good."

I woke up with my head pounding, I tried to get up but I felt something heavy on my chest, it was Seungmin. All the events from last night came flooding back. I couldn't help but laugh a little, a huge smile plastered on my face. I slipped out of bed to grab my spare clothes in his closet then I headed towards the bathroom to shower.

After leaving the bathroom I walked my way back to Seungmin's room to make sure he was awake, sure enough he was. He sat on the edge of his bed already in new clothes. He looked pale like he saw a ghost. I started to approach the bed to sit next to him once I took my place on the bed he shot his gaze towards me.

"We aren't going to talk about this." He said bluntly. Not looking away from me.

I was taken aback by this sudden outburst, did he not enjoy last night? It seemed like he enjoyed it a lot. I shook the thought from my head before placing my hand on top of his head, he flinched. I instantly retraced my hand not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

"I'm not going to do anything calm down Minnie. It was a one time thing I know this." I stated. It hurt me to say the last part but I knew he didn't see me like that.

"Good. Now lets get to school, I want this day to be over with I just want to sleep." He shot up and walked out of the room. I hated this.

As we approached the school as usual our group of friends were all being the loud and rowdy group they were. I walked over to talk to Changbin but before I could say a word I heard a scream. I turn to look at Jisung who was holding Seungmins wrist, examining them.

"Where the fuck did you get these bruises from? What the hell were you doing?" He kept questioning.

Seungmin didn't even look at him he just kept his eyes on his shoes. That's when Jisung saw the marks on his neck and collarbone. To say he lost it was an understatement, to everyone in the group Seungmin was just innocent and cute. Our little nerd. But he was far from that but I only knew to what extent.

"Tell me what happened, who the fuck are me and Felix going to bury?!" He continued to yell.

I walked over to the two and placed my hands around Seungmin to pull him away from that mad squirrel.

"Leave him alone Ji, we don't complain when you and Minho come around after you guys have gone at it." I squeezed Seungmin into my chest, I saw how red his face had gotten.

Jisung and Minho froze.

"Hey.. we aren't together. What are you-" Minho was cut off by Chan.

"Save it bro we all know you guys are messing around, not that hard to tell." He laughed waving them off and walking away with Woojin to class.

Everyone started to leave, Changbin gave me a questioning look before being dragged away by Felix.

After a few minutes and the front of the school was cleared out Seungmin pushed away from me. He looked angry. Again.

"Are you fucking serious Hyunjin? Could you be any more obvious, they are going to find out!" He shouted at me, pushing into my chest. "Did you really have to mark me, fuck!" He now started to pound my chest with his fist.

"You asked me to. You liked it last night." I deadpanned.

He stepped back looking at me with a cold face, that's when I saw it. He cocked his hand back to slap me. I was prepared this time. As his hand came towards me I grabbed his wrist and pushed him back against the gate. He was quick he tried to hit me with his other hand but I was quicker. I snatched both his hands an put them above his head. He struggled against my grip but soon gave up.

"Look at me."

"Fuck you." He spat back.

"Look. At. Me. Now." I growled at him, I was pissed off now.

I felt his body shudder, he shot his head up Keeping eye contact with me. As I stared I could see that his eyes were slightly glossy, it made me wonder if he was slowly slipping back into subspace but I also didn't care at this moment.

"Are you calm now or are you going to keep this up? I questioned.

He stared at me and a slightly smirk formed on his face, he leaned forward slightly. "yes daddy, I'm calm."

At first I didn't know how I should handle this, I've never seen him like this. It kind of shocked me, it was so hard for me not to want to just take him there. "Minnie, it's not the time for this. Come down-" before I could finish the rest of my sentence he leaned forward connecting our lips, I could feel the neediness through the kiss.

"Let's go home please.." He begged me.

"We have to go to school Minnie, now isn't the time." I trailed off resisting the urge to just leave.

He started to pout, "Please, I'll be a good puppy just like last night." he pushed forward again leaning towards my ear to whisper.. "I'll let you do whatever you want to me Jinnie." he started to place kisses down my neck.

I pulled back looking at his lust filled eyes. I couldn't do this to him not like this. "Minnie, I'll do whatever you want me to.." his face lit up at that. "But we need to get through the day first then you can get a reward if you're a good boy." I kissed him roughly right after.

"Yes please, I'll listen." He smiled and I let him go starting to walk towards our first period. I'm pretty sure we missed half of it but we had most of our classes together, so I was able to keep an eye on him.

This was going to be a new adventure for our relationship, I'm curious to where it would lead us..

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