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Seungmin POV

It's been two weeks since Hyunjin and I made our little deal. We've managed to keep it hidden from our friends but it was getting hard for me, I wanted him every time we were around each other. We were sitting at our normal table for lunch everyone having their usual conversation about what everyone was going to do for the weekend. I was caught up in reading one of my books as I felt a subtle brush against my leg, it was Hyunjin. He slowly leaned closer glancing at the book in my hands. I could feel his breath on my neck, I turn slightly just to be met with his dark eyes staring into mine.

"So are you going?" He questioned without breaking eye contact.

I titled my head in confusion, not sure of what he was talking about. He pulled back and pointed behind me. I turned my head to the other side so I could see what he was pointing at, Minho. He was talking to Jisung about how they haven't done something like this in a long time so it would be a good idea. I turned my attention back to Hyunjin.

"What is he talking about? What haven't we done?" I questioned still confused on what I was being asked.

"He said we should go to his house tonight for a party? We all haven't hung out together in a while." He stated.

I perked up at the mention of that. "Yeah lets do it." I smiled, looking back at my book.

After a few minutes had passed I felt a tap on my shoulder, I look over to see Jisung looking at me like a sad puppy.

"What's wrong Ji?" I asked with concern in my voice.

"Can I ask you something? He put his head down staring at his hands.

"Yeah of course, what's up?" I turned to face him, setting my book onto the table.

Jisung looked around to make sure no one was listening to us. By now most of the guys had been immersed in their own conversations. He looked back and me and slightly leaning in to whisper something into my ear.

"I need your help with Minho.." He trailed off. He looked up at me then immediately back down.

"What do you mean?" Confusion written all over my face.

"He hasn't been acting like he normally does with me. We haven't.. Umm you know.. has sex in a while so I think he's bored with me I need your help." He murmured stuttering through the sentence.

I was taken aback, not sure how I could help him with this. I pondered for a few minutes before an idea came into my head. It wasn't that great of a plan though.

I stared at him before I hesitantly said "Well how about we try something? I mean it's not the greatest plan but we could see?"

"What's that?" He questioned with an unsure look on his face.

"We could flirt and see if he reacts to it? We will all be drinking so what better time to try?"

"Are you sure? What if everyone thinks we are messing around? I mean we can just blame it on the alcohol." He warily.

"Or you can just talk to him. I mean either one works, I'll help you if you want to do that but if not then it's okay. We can think of something else?" I said in a monotone voice.

"No, let's do it what's the worst that could happen? He laughed.


School ended rather quickly. Everyone headed home to gather everything we needed for tonight. After I got out of the shower I changed and quickly headed for the kitchen to grab two bottles of Soju. I made my way to Minho's. As I arrived I saw everyone's cars, I made my way to the front door before slowly opening it to utter chaos. Jeongin was running from Chan and Woojin with two beer bottles in his hands. Jisung was singing karaoke by himself while Minho and Hyunjin danced to the song. As I made my way into the house I looked for Felix. I set the bottle on the counter in the kitchen and made my way to the backyard. I found Felix and Changbin setting up the fire pit.

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