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"I don't think we should bother them Bin." The freckled Australian stated worry present in his voice.

"Calm down it's fine, I come here all the time." He rested his hand on the shoulder of the younger boy. "I haven't seen him since the club and we need to talk."

Reaching to knock on the door Changbin halted hearing faint moans coming from the other side of the door. "I knew it." He whispered under his breath.

Anger took the raven hair boy over, pounding on the door. "Seungmin open this fucking door now!" Changbin yelled from outside the door. Felix looked at him questioningly.

"Why are you so mad Bin? Still upset Hyunjin played with your feelings?" The Australian teased, leaning in so his breath fanned over the older.

Changbin stared intensely as the younger tried to get under his skin. Huffing he turned his attention back to the door. Banging on it again before attempting to open the door.

To his surprise it was unlocked. Before Changbin stepped inside Felix stopped him. As you can tell he has company, Hyunjin isn't here let's just go.

Just as Felix finished his sentence an annoyed half naked Hyunjin came from Seungmin's room. "Who the fuck-" the taller stopping in his tracks as he sees two of his friends standing in Seungmin's doorway.

Eyes wide and frozen Felix didn't move. Changbin just stood there with his arms crossed over his chest and an unsettling expression on his face.

"Why are you here?" Hyunjin asked his best friend, curious as why he's at Seungmin's of all places.

"Came to talk to Min but apparently he's busy." Changbin huffed out. Unmoving from his spot. As if I'm cue, a tired disheveled pup came from the dark hallway.

"Jinnie, what's going on?" Seungmin asked still not fully taking in his surrounding. He immediately cuddled into the boy, feeling the warm arms naturally wrap around him.

"Bin decided to just barge into your house, it's three in the morning I don't know why he's here." Hyunjin said plainly not removing hisself from the tired boy.

As if something switched Seungmin instantly pushed out of Hyunjin's arms. Eyes searching the room until the fell upon the two boys.

"Fuck-" Seungmin hissed. Dread filling his stomach as he was now caught by his two friends.

"It's not-" he denied halfway. "We were just up drinking." He tried to sound normal hoping his obvious lie would work.

Felix cut in, seeing the distress on his friends' face. "We were just stopping by, we were out drinking and saw Seungmin's light on." Felix lied.

Changbin turned to the younger, confused on why he was lying. Before he could even question the younger he was being pulled out the door.


As the two boys walked down the barley lit street it was quiet. Only the sounds of their feet hitting the pavement surrounded them.

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