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Seungmin POV

I couldn't control myself, I wanted his touch. I needed it. I could still feel his touch, the parts of my body still warm as if he never removed his hands. I was slowly fighting against myself, not wanting to slip. I've never been in subspace outside of the bedroom. Let alone have it happen to me so easily. 'What was happening to me?' I kept thinking a million things before I knew it I was in class next to Hyunjin.

I looked over to him and he kept his face towards the board. I couldn't help but look at his plush lips, the cute mark under his eye. He was so hot, why did I never notice before. I kept staring as to what seemed like hours. He slowly turned his head towards me. We made eye contact that lasted a for a moment before he smiled and turned back to the board. 

I put my head on the desk not caring about lessons today except for one. I was impatient I wanted it now. Then I got an idea, we sit in the back of the classroom with no one around us so I couldn't get caught by anyone. I slid my hand down to my semi hard dick, I palmed myself slowly to not caught much attention from Hyunjin. It was no use it didn't feel the same, I let out a small whimper. I quickly pulled myself together once I saw him looking at me. Shock evident on his face.

He leaned in to whisper in my ear, his hand lightly grazing my thigh. "What did I say? You only get a reward if you're good."

"I can't wait, I need it now.." I embarrassing said not looking up from his hand on my thigh.

"What's wrong why won't you look at me now." He questioned finally gripping my thigh and giving it strokes.

I exhaled a shaky breath, I tried fight myself as I knew this wasn't a good idea. But I had to slip.

"I'm slipping... into.." I was cut off from Hyunjin grabbing the teachers attention.

"Excuse me sir, Seungmin isn't feeling well can I take him to the nurses office?"

Once we got up to leave the room I was losing all my sense of where I was. I only saw him, tunnel vision making me see what I craved and wanted.

"Jinnie.." I tried getting his attention. He continued to walk.

Once we reached our destination I noticed we were at his car, he opened the passenger door and placed me inside. As he got in the car he leaned over to put my seatbelt on, I took this opportunity to suck and bite on his exposed neck. He tasted so good, I bit down hard.

"Mmm. Stop and be patient." He moaned as he pulled away from me to start driving.

I wanted to make him mad, I loved how rough he was with me the other night. I craved for him to tie me up, mark me, spank me till I'm begging him to stop. I've never had this much pleasure and I needed more. He was like a drug.

"Get out." He demanded. He shut the car off I hadn't even noticed we were at his house.

I got out slowly and made my way to the front door. As I made my way in I sped off to his room, but before I could even make it I was tugged backwards. I was pulled into his chest, my back touching him.

"You weren't a good boy like you promised, hmm pup?"

I couldn't speak all I felt was his hands running over my body and my pants tightening. All I could do was moan as he touched over certain areas.

"Did you crave my touch that much.." he buried his face into the crook of my neck. "Need daddy to make you feel good?" He nipped my neck causing me to moan loudly.

He took this opportunity and shoved two fingers into my mouth. "Suck" he whispered in my ear and he sucked on the bottom of it.
I didn't hesitate to do as he said. I sucked and licked on his fingers like my life depended on it. I had an overwhelming urge to please him.

Own Me | Seungjinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن