Chapter 3

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I still couldn't stop crying though, I just held my backpack and cried into it, I felt a tap on my shoulder I thought maybe it was the conductor who would tell me to leave so I quickly wiped some of tears and held my backpack and looked up, but it was a boy and he had eyes as blue as the ocean, I just froze, 'hi, are u okay,' he asked. 'Oh, umm yeah I'm uh okay,' I say stuttering. 'R u sure cause it's okay if u want to talk,' he says giving me a reassuring smile. 'Umm no it's okay I was just leaving anyway I have to get home b4 my mom gets worried,' I say. 'Oh okay then, I'm Daniel Seavey btw,' he says smiling and reaching his hand out. 'Nice to meet you Daniel, My names Vanessa Merrell or Nessa for short,' I says shaking his hand. I had never seen him around here and he didn't really look from here either so my curiosity was itching, 'Btw Daniel r u new around here,' I ask. 'Yeh I actually moved here with my four friends we got enrolled to the high school over here,' he says smiling. 'Oh you mean(idontknowahighschooluseyourimagination😉),' I say curious. 'Yeah exactly, u go there?,'he asks. 'Yeh today was the last day so I'm guessing you got enrolled for the new year after summer,' I ask. 'Yep,' he says popping the p. 'Well then looks like we'll meet again in school too,' I say. 'Yeah so I thought  maybe I could have your number?,' he asks. I grin as I look at him. 'For information cause I'm uh new here and your not and since we live uh around the same area u could probably help me out and uh you know yeh,' he says stuttering. 'ok Seavey,' I say grinning. He gives me his phone I type out my number and save my name as Nessa 🌑.
, 'why the moon,' he asks. 'Cause nights are so peaceful and beautiful, it's just you the moon and the stars nothing else, you don't have to worry about anything at those kinda moments ,and I like that feeling,' I say smiling. 'Wow I never thought about it that way,' he says smiling. 'Yeah well not a lot of people understand it when I say it for the first time either so thank you to you too,' I say smiling. 'Yeh no prob, we'll I gotta go now I still have to do a lot of unpacking sooo,' he says.
'Oh yeah right sorry,' I say kinda sad. 'It's okay I'll text you later ok and also if u wanna talk about before I'm always ONLINEEEE,' he says shouting the last part as he runs to his car. 'OKAY BYEEEE,' I say shouting back. He smiles and waves as he drives off. I smile to myself as I walk away. I get home and get a water from downstairs and make my way up to my room btw I live with just my mom and my little sister, it's just been us cause our dad and my mom got separated. So it's just us and my mom is always tired, she comes home pretty late cause she has to work extra since it's just her and she has to take care of both me and my sister and I feel bad about her having so much pressure and I really wanna finish school and help her out with everything so she can finally rest a bit without stressing. Usually after school my mom and sister aren't at home cause my mom picks my sister up and keeps her with her at the office or if she has tutoring or extra classes so it's just mostly me home alone. I sit at the end of my bed and take out my books so I can finish any assignments I'm supposed to finish through the summer so that I won't forget, I make a nice space for myself and dump my bag and start my working on them one by one I end up on the floor somehow but continued I mean I do have a desk but the floor is much more comfortable. (lol) As I'm finishing up my last assignment I hear a notification on my phone I don't have a lot of friend so I don't get a lot of texts and I don't have a lot of social media accounts too just insta in which I barely post so I thought it might be my mom, it was all the way in my bag on the other side of my room ughhh, so I crawled to it and dug my phone out to check who it's was, it was an unknown number....

Hi everyone sorry for not posting in a long time I just haven't had the time cause we have ongoing exams right now and I'm trying to pre-write chapters and so far I have two pre-written chapters so I can post them this week but yeah anyway hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to vote. 😘🥰🖤

Trust 🖤Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang