Chapter 10

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Daniel's Pov
Daniels Pov
I saw Nessa come in but she had tears in her eyes and she looked like she was crying, 'Nessa?,' I say. 'Oh my god Daniel,' she turns facing the door and then turning back, 'huh I forgot you were here,' she says with a fake smile. 'Oh that's ok but why were you crying,' I ask in concern as I walk up to her. ''Uh that was nothing I actually just accidentally poked my eye so it started tearing up and yeah soooo,' she says. I got irritated at why she's not telling me what's wrong cause I know for a fact she didn't poke her eye otherwise she would've held her eye. ' 'No you didn't, stop lying to me I can tell, just tell me you need to stop holding everything to yourself,' I say holding her shoulders. At this point she had shut her eyes and I could see she was doing all she could to stop herself from crying but then suddenly she falls. I catch her before she hits the floor, I lay her on the bed "why is she trying so hard to keep everything to herself" I get bottle of water and spray some on her face hoping she'd wake up. She blinked and then shot up from the bed, 'oh my god,' she says breathing heavily l. 'Hey hey it's ok chill, here have some water,' I say giving her the water. She takes the water and has some, 'im so sorry Daniel,' she says looking down. 'Why are you sorry you didn't do anything,' I say looking at her. 'I dunno I just-,' she says. 'Yeah you blacked out,' I say. She nods. 'listen Nessa I don't know what happened or why you were crying but why do you feel like you can't tell me anything because you shouldn't feel that way let me help you I know we've only known each other for a day but still,' I say holding her hand. 'It's not that Daniel it's just i don't want to feel like a burden to anyone, it's better it's just me and my feelings that way I don't get hurt and neither does anyone else, and I don't want to bring you into my not so normal life, I thought maybe you'd be the one normal thing that could you know make me feel like a normal teenager but no of course not,' she says crying. "I didn't know what to say this amazingly beautiful is hurt by something and I don't know how to help she's broken" I engulf her in the biggest hug ever. 'Listen no matter what happens you will never feel like a burden to me and no nobody has a normal life ok we all have our own differences,' I say hugging her tighter. I feel her sink into my chest and just crying and I couldn't help but feel bad, I just wanted to find the person who did this to her, who made her this insecure with talking about her feelings. 'You know what Daniel your probably one of the best things in my life right now and I just met you today,' she says looking up with a small smile. 'YeP we're best friends now,' I say as I wipe her tears with my hoodie sleeve. 'thank you,' she says giving me a tight hug. 'Oh uh I'm gonna go change now cause I look frkn disgusting,' she says chuckling. 'Uh huh you go do that,' I say with a wide smile across my face. 'Okkkkkk,' she says narrowing her eyes and going into the bathroom. "Wow that smile, it's just so contagious even if I was upset it could make me smile" I just kept that stupid smile until she came out. 'Well my mom should be going in about one and a half hours soooo,' she says cleaning her table.

'Oh my god Daniel your sweatshirt,' she says pointing. 'Huh?,' I say snapping out of my thoughts and looking down. 'What?,' I say looking up again. 'I'm so sorry,' she says coming closer. 'Whyyyy?,' I ask confused as hell. 'You sweat shirt is soaked because of my tears I'm so sorry,' she says. 'Oh my god Nessa it's fine it's just tear geez I though I got like food or something on it,' I say slapping my forehead (🤦🏻‍♂️). 'Ok well you should go change and comeback then cause otherwise you'll get cold,' she says sitting next to me. 'Oh yeah I probably should,' I nod. 'Umhmm,' she nods in agreement. 'I'll just change and come after your mom goes,' I say getting up and grabbing my phone. 'Yeah, but you know you can't go from that way right?,' she says pointing to the door. 'Huh?,' I ask looking over to the door. She points downstairs. 'Ohhhhhhhh rightttt your mommmm,' I say. 'Yeah smartass,' she says laughing. 'Mean,' I say coming back over to the bed. 'Well then how am I supposed to get out now,' I say. 'I dunno I guess the window,' she says shrugging (🤷🏻‍♀️). 'Yeah I guess that's my only option now,' I say walking over to the window. I look down and it doesn't seem that high from the ground so I was ok with it. 'Ok then bye I guess,' I say walking around and giving her a huge hug. 'And remember I'm always there if you need to talk cause if you don't I swear I will make you,' I say chuckling. 'Okkkkkkk now get out of my house quietly so my mom doesn't kill me pls,' she walking with me to the window. 'Hmmmmm I wondering if should land stomach down or feet first like a cat,' I ask wondering 🤔 (sarcasm*) 'how about land in a way that you don't die,' she says giving me a thumbs up. 'Right,' I say getting onto to the edge of the window. 'Ok bye then,' I say and quickly kiss her cheek which was totally unexpected and I don't know why the hell I did that but oh well. 'I land on the pile of leaves so it didn't hurt as much and roll. I had parked my car away from her house cause she said otherwise he mother would see, so I walked up to it got in and drove down to the Why Don't house.
I'm trying to hit like a 1000 word number every chapter and so far it's going good so hopefully it doesn't go down slowly 😅 but yeah hoped you liked this chapter as well I rlly liked this one cause it was just so cute and heart warming and also it made me feel lonely lol 😅😂 but for all y'all out there 👍🏼👍🏼🥰😘

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