Chapter 11

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Nessa's Pov

Nessa Pov
I felt water on my face and I blinked a bit before shooting right up, I start breathing heavily I felt so exhausted and weak, 'Hey heh it's ok chill, here have some water,' Daniel offers. I take it and drink it and helps slow my breathing, I remember everything that happened before I passed out, 'I'm so sorry Daniel,' I say looking down at my cup. I must have freaked him out I felt so bad that he had to deal with me. 'Why are you sorry, you didn't do anything,' he says. 'I dunno I just-,' I didn't know what to say so I just stopped. 'Yeah you blacked out,' he says looking at me. I just nod. 'Listen Nessa I don't know what happened or why you were crying but why do you feel like you can't tell me anything, because you shouldn't feel that way, let me help you I know we've only known each other for a day but still,' he says holding my hand. 'It's not that Daniel it's just I don't want to feel like a burden to anyone, it's better like this it's just me and my feelings that way I don't get hurt as much and neither does anyone else, and I don't want to bring you into my not so normal of a life, I though maybe you'd be the one normal thing that could make me feel like a norma teenage but no of course not,' I say breaking out into tears again. I didn't want to, but I couldn't, I hated feeling like a burden that was my worst fear. He just engulfs me in the biggest hug ever, 'listen no matter what happens you will never feel like a burden to me and no nobody has a normal life, ok we all have our own differences,' he says. I cried into his chest as he hugs me tighter, I felt safe, I felt like I could cry my heart out and no one would judge. 'You know what Daniel your probably one of the best things in my life right now and I just met you today,' I say not even thinking twice and with a smile on my face. 'YeP we're best friends now,' he says wiping my tears away from the sleeve of his hoodie. I swear this boy is doing things and I don't know how to react, I feel like giddy when I'm around him like almost everything in my life is ok. 'thank you' I say giving him a big hug. 'Oh uh I'm gonna go change now cause I look frkn disgusting,' I say looking at myself and chuckling.  'Uh huh you go do that,' he says with a lost in another world look (😂). 'Okkkkkkkkkk,'I say then narrowing my eyes and walking into the bathroom. I washed my face and put some new clothes, when I came out he was just sitting there with a huge smile on his face, I laugh and go clean my table, 'Well my mom should be going in about one and a half hours soooo,' u say continuing to clean my table. He just nods. I look to his shirt and realize I cried on it, covering it with tears and smeared mascara 🤦🏽‍♀️😅. ' oh my god Daniel your sweatshirt,' I say pointing. 'Huh,' he says looking down. He looks up again and says, 'What?'. 'I'm so sorry,' I say as I walk closer towards him. 'Whyyyyy?,' he asks confused. 'Your sweatshirt is soaked because of my tears, I'm so sorry,' I say with still a concerned look on my face. 'Oh my god Nessa it's fine it's just a tear geez I thought I got like food or something on it,' he says slapping his forehead. (🤦🏻‍♂️) 'ok well you should at least go change and come back otherwise you'll get a cold,' I say sitting next to him. 'Oh yeah I probably should,' he nods looking down I can't help but think about how adorable he looks rn I just smile to myself. 'Ummhmm,' I nod. 'I'll just change and comeback after your mom goes,' he says and grabs his phone and heading to the door. 'Yeah, but you know you can't go from that way, right?,' I say pointing at the door. 'Huh?,' he asks stupidly. I smack my forehead and point downstairs hoping that he gets why. 'Ohhhhhhhhhhhh rightttttt your mommmmm,' he says realizing. 'Yeah smartass,' I say laughing. 'Mean,' he says scrunching his nose and coming back over to the bed. 'Well then how am I supposed to get out now,' he says plopping beside me. 'I dunno I guess the window,' I say shrugging (🤷🏻‍♀️). 'Yeah I guess that's my only option now,' he says getting up and coming towards the window. He looks down a bit and shakes his head. I was kinda worried cause I didn't want him getting hurt or anything. 'Ok bye then I guess,' he says turning around and giving me a hug I hug back as much as my little body could 😂😅. 'And remember I'm always there if you need to talk cause if you don't I swear I will make you,' he says chuckling. 'Okkkkkkkkkk now get out of my house quietly so my mom doesn't kill me pls,' I say. 'Hmmmm I wondering if I should land stomach first or feet first like a cat,' he asks sarcastically. 'how about land in a way that you don't die,' I say giving him a thumbs up (sarcasm*). 'Right,' he says climbing up onto my window ledge and putting his phone into his pocket. 'Ok bye then,' he says looking back and kissing my cheek before jumping out. I didn't know what to do cause it was so sudden and I was there just like in shock but it was cute at the same time so I just smiled to my self. I saw him run towards his car which he parked in the opposite streets and drive off. Today was a very unexpected but good day and I think today is day I'll always remember and Daniel he's just the best I'm so glad I was there at the bus stop today I can't wait for when he comes over in the night.

Yes I know I know I'm very bad at updating but it's not my fault my school decided to cramp all the quizzes into one week so sorry about that but don't worry I only have school for one more week and then it'll be the winter break so I'll be updating way more often sooooooo thank you for still reading and not losing interest in this crazy story of mine love youuuuuuuu 😘❤️❤️

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