Chapter 5

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Nessa's Pov
I smiled as I put my phone down, "wow why do I have a feeling that this boy is gonna be a huge part of my life" I shrug and keep going with my assignments. It took me one hour to finish all my assignments for the summer but I'm glad I did it now I was feeling a bit hungry cause I didn't have any lunch so went downstairs to see what we have, as I was going down my mom sent me a text saying she was coming home early today cause it was her last day too, she gets a holiday of one month for the summer cause she's worked at the company for more than 4 years, she only gets the one month holiday twice a year and I get so happy when she does so she can finally rest a bit and we can spend more time with her. I felt like baking something so I went to the pantry and gathered the ingredients for brownies my favorite baked goodie although I make good brownies nothing beats my moms tbh but I try, I lay out everything and start first I preheat the oven and then I get on with mixing together the dry ingredients and then the wet and then putting them both into the and then mix both of those together then buttering the pan and into the oven for 25 mins
after I finished I started to clean up and I heard my phone ring I put the dishes into the sink and went to get it, It was a message notification from Daniel I couldn't answer it cause my hands were all dirty so I used a cloth and tapped into the notification and typed 'sorry Dani I can't text rn I'm cleaning up the kitchen cause I was baking something' and then I pressed sent. I walked away to the kitchen again and started cleaning again I started cleaning the counter and I heard a notification again, I look over the counter to see who it was,


I thought about it I mean I just met the guy today should I really except the FaceTime ? Oh come on maybe he's just being nice and wants to know how I am and if I don't answer it it'll be rude so I went over and tapped the green button, at first it was just a ceiling and then it switched over to the familiar face,

2 chapters at once!! WHO IS SHE (lol😂) it's to make up for not posting in like a month I guess 🤔 anyway enjoy 🤪😘

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