Chapter 12

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Daniels Pov
I was on my way home I couldn't stop thinking about what I did before jumping out of that window, I kissed her on the cheek but I don't know what it meant did I do it as like a gesture or like do I like her wait what, oh my god wait do I have feelings for this girl what no that doesn't make sense I just met her today, I just shake my thoughts off as I pull into the drive way of the wdw house. I'm immediately greeted by Zach as I get out of the car who was running towards me and then hid behind me, I looked around and then turned back to him and ask, 'Uh bro are you ok what r u hiding from?,' as I say that I see Jack running around with a nerf gun, I immediately get what's happening and slap my forehead, 'ok well you can't hide behind me forever and what exactly did you even do to make him want to shoot you with a nerf gun,' I question looking at Zach. 'Well you see..... I umm may or may not have pulled the plug of his monitor while he was in the middle of playing a game of fortnite 😅,' he says. I just shake my head knowing that this boy is dead today, cause let me tell you guys Jack takes fortnite seriously like VERY seriously soooooo 😬, but I still didn't want the poor boy to die today, 'ok listen when I count to three just run like hell for the door ok cause he's still searching for you in the backyard, ok,' I say. 'Uhhhhhh ok,' he says nodding his head. '1, 2, 3 GO,' I say as he dashed through to the front door while I run behind him, Zach immediately runs upstairs while I take my shoes off and head up too my room as well. If you didn't already I live with four of my best friends, we moved here to finish college and pursue our careers in singing as a band. So there Jonah the oldest and coffe enthusiast, then there's Corbyn the goof and shoe lover, and there's Jack the fortnite obsesser and noodle head and of the baby of the group Zach and the idiot, then there's me the kind of mutual of all I guess and lover of all instruments 😅and that's about it. Jonah and Corbyn weren't at home cause they'd gone out to the grocery store to buy some stuff for the house cause we're all surviving off of Postmates rn. I went upstairs trying not to trip over boxes that were left on top since we just moved in. I got to room and just plopped onto the bed and thought about how crazy today was, I met a lovely girl at a bus stop, went to her house and helped her bake, witness her breaking down which I still can't believe why I just
wish I knew. I smile at how crazy and amazing today was and look down at my shirt as I remember why I came home in the first place, I got up and went over to the closet and changed my shirt but I kept that sweater up as a reminder of maybe on of the best days of my life. As I'm about to sit down again Jack walks in, 'hey dude have you know maybe seen Zach around ?,' he asks squinting his eyes and looking around. 'Uhhhhh nope and no he's not in my room,' I say. 'Oh well then if you do see him can you maybe like call me or something he has something of mine,' he says. 'Okie,' I say. 'Also Corbyn ordered some lunch for you but you weren't here so it's in the fridge if you wanna have it,' he says pointing downstairs. 'Rlly omg thank god for Corbyn I'm so hungry,I was about to order something,' I say. We both go downstairs, I head for the kitchen and I see Jack head to the backyard again, I just shake my head and get my food and sit down at the counter to start eating.

I know this ones kinda short but I had to put something out sooo yeh. I've been kinda MIA cause I wasn't feeling inspired by anything and I had some personal issues that just left me down so I couldn't update so sorry about that but hopefully I can pre-write some chapters and keep so I can upload whenever. Anyway hope you guys liked it and sorry if there are any grammatical or spelling error, Byeeee 👋🏼😅😘🙏🏻❤️

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