Chapter 16

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Nessa's Pov

'Oh it's ok,' he says as he comes in. I quickly lock the door, 'we can hang out here, just lemme go get some blankets k,' I say tapping his shoulder and running upstairs. 'Okkk sure,' he says with a chuckle. I ran up to my room grabbed my phone and all the blankets and came back down and dump all the blankets on the sofa, 'so Dani what'd ya wanna watch,' I ask sitting next to him on the sofa. 'Uhhhhh whatever you like,' he says shrugging. 'Oh my god Dani don't be like that just say a name of something come on,' I say looking at him. 'Okkkk fine,' he says laughing. 'Umm I don't really know a lot of shows,' he says. 'Ok here you look through some until I go get some more popcorn,' I say handing him the remote. 'Some more,' he says raising his eyebrow. 'Yeah cause I finished a whole bowl of popcorn before by myself in one sitting, Don't Judge Me,' I say eyeing him and walking away. 'Um ok,' he says laughing. I continue on to the kitchen before starting to make the popcorn, I take out an instant packet from the pantry and put in the microwave for about 5 mins. As I was waiting suddenly the power went off, 'OH MY GOD,' I said squealing. I tried finding for my phone which I kept on the counter before, I help the edges of the kitchen island and walk around trying not to trip on the chairs, but then I felt a someone grab me, 'Ahhh,' I yell before a hand cover my mouth. 'Hey hey shh it's me Daniel,' he says whispering to my ear making chills go down my back. He takes away his hand and I hit him in the shoulder, 'WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT,' I say almost screaming. 'Oww What did I do,' he says holding his shoulder. 'What do you mean what did you do, you almost gave me a frkn heart attack idiot,' I say still mad. 'Well What was I supposed to do if I had just grabbed your hand you would've kicked me,' he says. 'Ok true but you could've just yelled from the sofa to stay where I am,' I say. 'Well I didn't have time to think about all that I heard you yell so I had to come find you and try not breaking my ankle while I was at it,' he says. 'Ok fine sorry for yelling at you,' I say looking down. 'It's ok now come on let's go to the store room and see what's up,' he says taking his phone out and putting on the flash light. 'Wait hold on Daniel,' I say pulling his arm. 'Why what happened,' he says confused. 'Lia is in her room, she's asleep but if she wakes up she'll get scared,' I say. 'Who's Lia ?,' he says even more confused. 'Oh right Dani it's my little sister,' I say with a face palm (🤦🏽‍♀️). 'Ohhhh right ok so then let's go to her room first,' he says. 'Yeah,' I say holding his hand as he walks in front of me while shining the iPhone light as he walks. 'Ok which room is she in,' he asks as we're making our way around the sofas. 'Uhh the one at the end,' I say. We walk over to the room and he shines the light over so I can walk inside. I walk in and Lia's still asleep, so I slowly shook her arm, 'Lia wake up,' I whispered. 'Oh my god Nessa wha- what happened,' she says waking up at once but holding my hand tightly as she looks around the dark room. 'Oh don't worry it's just a power outage, I'm gonna go put it back on, but I thought I should come and see you first otherwise you'd wake up in a shock,' I say. 'Oh ok, umm can I come with you pls I don't want to stay alone,' she says coming closer to me. 'Yeah come on,' I say standing up and helping her out her slippers on. We walk out and Daniels still there holding the flashlight, 'uhh Nessa who's this,' Lia asks holding my hand tighter and coming closer to me. 'Oh ha you see Daniel here is a friend of mine and he's here to help us,' I say tapping Daniels back. Daniel crouches down and holds Lias hand, 'don't worry bby I'm just here to help ok,' he says smiling widely. 'Ok,' she says holding his finger. Seeing Daniel just comfort her just made me- I dunno I don't know what to call it but it was so cute to see him handling Lia so well, like ahhhh but also awwwwww. 'Umm Nessa can I go with Daniel pls,' she asks still holding Daniels finger. 'Oh um yeah sure,' I say letting go of her hand and a bit surprised. 'Yay let's go,' she says pulling Daniels finger. 'Okay lets go,' he says walking with her. I walk beside them and trying to feel around me not wanting to trip over the sofa or carpet underneath, 'haha she already likes me more than you,' I hear Daniel whisper in my ear. 'Uh no she does not,' I say hitting his upper arm. 'Yes she doooesssss,' he says teasing me. 'Oh come on she just scared and she just-,' I say stopping in the middle of my sentence because I didn't know what to say to support my argument. 'Uh huh yep cause she's scared,' he says mocking me. 'You know what Daniel,' I say giving him a death stare. 'Whatttttt,' he says chuckling. 'Just keep walking before I purposely make you trip over something,' I say still giving him a death stare. 'Ok ok geez I'm walking,' he says looking in front as he walks. As we get to the door and about to go out the lights comes back on, 'what the hell,' I say looking around. 'Uhhhhhhh,' he says looking just as confused. 'I- uhh guess the electricity is back now,' I say surprised and stuttering. 'Oh yeah,' He says snapping back into reality. 'Ness I'm not sleepy anymore can I stay with you and Dani and watch movies plsssss,' Lia says trying to convince me by giving puppy eyes. 'No no no Lia nope moms gonna kill me if she finds out that you were up past your bedtime,' I say shaking my head. 'Pweaseeee I don't have school tomorrow so I don't even need to get up that early, pleaseeeeee Ness,' she says holding my hand. 'Um,' I say not knowing what to say. 'Come on Ness for a couple of hours and she'll fall asleep eventually,' Dani says whispering to me from the back. 'Oh uh ok fine, but this is not gonna be a daily thing ok just today,' I say raising my eyebrow. 'Omg thank you thank you so much Ness and yes just today, but thank youuuu,' she says hugging me. 'Your welcome,' I say hugging back. She then let's go and grabs Dani's hand to pull him down, he gets on his knees, 'thank you,' she says hugging him tightly. I guess Daniel didn't expect it cause he kinda just was frozen for a second before hugging her back, 'your welcome princess,' he says. This was probably the cutest thing I have seen, I literally had heart eyes for both of them. 'Oh uh I'll go make some popcorn how about you guys go out on the tv and pick a movie,' I say squeezing her cheeks lightly. 'Okieeee,' she says running towards the sofa pulling Dani with her.

Oh look it's me posting after more than a month when I said I was gonna start posting chapter more regularly 😅😅 Sorry about that I kinda lost ideas for chapters sooooo 🤷🏻‍♀️
Anyway hope this was a good one and it's long too so maybe it'll makeup 🤷🏻‍♀️😂👍🏼👍🏼❤️
Also don't forget to vote 😘

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