Chapter 1

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Bakugo POV //

I silently sneak back into my apartment. I place my hero shoes on the front mat. I peaked around the corner of the wall to see the kitchen light on and Shoto was asleep on the stool. Classic. He always stayed up late to wait for me and I always try to do the same thing. I sighed as I carefully picked him up and put him in our master bedroom. I placed him gently in the bed and kissed his forehead. I tiptoed to the bathroom and stripped and hopped in the shower. I really needed it today's patrol was the worst. Some extras were still there. I punch the wall in slight anger before remembering Shoto was asleep. Shit. I sigh and begin the scrub the dirt and blood off. Shoto was just getting back on a good sleep schedule I hope I didn't wake him. Did he take his meds? I hop out of the shower and begin to dry off with a towel. I do this almost everyday but out of habit I do it again. I check the cabinets for razors and then check his pill sorter to make sure he took his meds. Perfect. I smile a bit to myself and walk out of the bathroom. I hear Shoto snore a little. So cute. I blushed a little. I put on my boxers and soon join him in the bed. I wrap my arms around his back and kiss the back of his head. I soon fall asleep to his cute snores.

~Time skip brought to you by I'm back bitches~

"P...l...e...a..s...e" I jolted awake.

"shoto" I roll him over to see him sobbing. Shit another nightmare. I started hugging him. The doctor told me as much as I want to wake him up it would only scare him more. He begins sobbing harder.

"Shoto!" I began to shake him. Fuck what the doctor said.

"Don't talk about Touya" He is dreaming about his father and Touya the worst for him. I have to wake him up.

"Sho" I pause for a moment and let go of the hug.

"SHOTO" I shout. His eyes open for a second before I hug him once again. He stopped sobbing and snuggled into my bare chest. I hear a snore again. Thank God he is asleep again. I kiss his head again before falling asleep once again.

Todoroki POV //

I wake up in Katsuki's arms. How did I get here I thought I was waiting for him to come home. I yawned loudly and Kat opened his eyes.

"Morning Sho how are you feeling?"

"Good" I wanted him to leave for patrol already.

"Sho something is up"

"What?" Is he onto me? He can't can he?

"You haven't been taking your meds have you?" Shit he knew.

"I......Kat....I" I struggle for words.

You don't deserve to be happy

The voices were slowly coming back. I felt tears come back in my eyes.

"Sho...I'm not mad I just wish you would tell me" He kissed me on the head and rolled out of bed. I sat up slowly already missing his warmth. He was putting on his hero outfit. Damn. He was hot. Those abs I wanted to trace them and..

Shut up you don't deserve him

"Sho I have to leave I am running late" I snapped back into reality. He was already dressed in his stinky hero costume and was grooming himself in the mirror.

"Babe you don't need to groom yourself you are already pretty" I smiled as I walked out of the master bedroom and into the kitchen. I grab an apple and throw it behind me.

"EH Icyhot why you do that to me I could have dropped the fucking apple"

"There is the Katsuki I know and love" I turn around and he was holding the apple. He then took a big bit out of it and walked behind the counter to where I was. He somehow finished the apple and handed it to me before kissing me on the cheek and walking out.

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