Chapter 8

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Todoroki POV //




"LIKE THAT young man....."

Bakugou POV //


"Shoto got a text from his father.." I knew it had to do with that asshole.

"And..." She looks down. I can tell she doesn't want to betray his trust but she has too if it has to do with his father.

"Endeavor threaten to kill you if he didn't breakup with you and get married to me."

"..." I... I am never at a loss for words but now everything makes sense. I knew he still loved me.

"I shouldn't have told you shit."

"Why not I can beat his ass."

"You don't understand Endeavor still has money he has been paying for people to watch me and Shoto. If they found out I told you Shoto will be in trouble. He did that last time..."

"What last time?"

"I told Shoto that I was going to tell Jiro my actual girlfriend about all this and before I got to her place they threatened Shoto's life." I am really going to kill that bastard. That son of a bitch.

"Dammit fuck him."

"It gets worse Shoto is forced to go back to his house every day for more 'training' like he had before. Oh Bakugou you have to save him. He won't listen when I say that we can protect ourselves. He misses you so much...."

"I miss him to.. I haven't left Kiri's apartment since yesterday.." She put her head down on the table. she is right I have to kill that son of a bitch and rescue Shoto. But if there is one thing I have learned from anger management classes is that getting super mad right now won't help the situation. Unless Deku offers to help in that case. He might find a bridge really fast.

"You don't understand he was crying so much.....He had found the ring you were going to propose to him with the day he broke up with you to 'save' you. He...he was just so heartbroken. You two are truly soulmates..." Soulmates. I never really believed in that shit. However after knowing Shoto for so long it might be true.

"Will you help me save him Bakugou?"

"Of course fucking yeah! I will rip that bastards throat out and rip it into-"

"I get the memo now I need to get back to my apartment Shoto will be home from 'training' soon and need some medical attention." Just like old times but not good anymore.

"Let me come with you and help." She sighed.

"No I am sorry but I can't risk it he doesn't even know I left today and he might get suspicious.."


She looked down at her phone for a moment. I noticed her eyes widened in horror.

"C.change of plans Bakugou. I am done with this bullshit you are coming with me." She looked up at me. I could see tears in her eyes.

"What happened?" I growled. If he is hurt I might kill that bastard who is Shoto's sperm giver.

"He just sent the word help and that is all and you know he never asks for it unless it is an emergency. Please you have to help him! His father could have hurt him worse." I listen to her plea and already know my answer. I have always loved him so why would I stop because he was forced to do something...

"Of fucking course!!!!!!!! Though he is trying to protect me I still love him let's go tight now!!!!" Momo just gave a soft smile as she stood up.

"He won't be happy to see you thought but don't take it personally trust me he still loves you." The thought of him not wanting me is like a slap in the face.

"Ok whatever let's go please." Her eyes widen for a moment before she leads me out of the store thankfully avoiding paparazzi.

"Where are you guys living?"
"We live at mine and Jiro's apartment. Though Jiro is staying with Tokoyami and Shoji's apartment until I get this all sorted out" Man I didn't realized how many other people this has effected besides me and Sho. We walk in silence for a little bit while I let it sink in. Sho had been faking being happy for a while.

Endeavor must have texted him or something so he was dealing with that shit too. I can't believe he didn't tell me.

"I know that you wish he would have told you....I wish he would have asked for help" We were stuck on the train so we couldn't go much faster. I didn't respond to her question. I didn't feel like it. I just want my Sho back. His soft lips and his lovely eyes. I want everything about him back.

Todoroki POV //

It hurt so much. It hurt so much that I couldn't sleep anymore. I just wanted Momo to get back. I want Katsuki back. I want those warm calloused hands to rub the circles on my back and tell me everything is going to be ok. It wasn't. I made the deal in exchange for his life is mine. It seemed unfair saying I am not worth it but in that bastard's I am apparently. I barely had any energy to even text Momo. I feel like I am using her. I should just leave but I don't want Kat hurt. Momo just wants to be with Jiro and she deserves it. I want to be with Kat but I don't deserve him. Even if we did get through this without me marrying Momo he wouldn't want me back. I lied. I cut.

you deserve him leaving

he hates you

I groan as the pain gets worse. I could feel the burns all over my body and I was too weak to ice them. I barely made it back to the apartment with the help of my car. I wish I had Kat he would always know how to make it better.


A little shorter than normal but I am dying from these exams...Also might do a one shots book good idea or nah??? Also like idk what happened for the music. ~Tristan


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