Chapter 9

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Bakugou POV //

We finally got off the train and Momo surprisingly began dragging me down towards her apartment. Oh my gosh... This is the biggest apartment I have ever seen. She quickly stopped at the front door and was about to pull her key out.

"Wait Yao-Momo the door is unlocked." She paused and push the door open. It wasn't even closed. She turned on the light to reveal a knocked out boy on the couch. Sho. I ran up to him leaving Momo running to a different room. He had big bruises covering his whole body some where so purple they had to be darker than earphone's hair like oh my gosh. He had burns scattered all over him just like back in high school.

"Holy shit" A tired Sho opened his eyes in surprised before turning to panic.

"No no no you shouldn't be here" He sat up before falling forward doubling over in pain. Momo came back in with a first-aid kit and moved me aside.

"Momo...ouch why is he here..." He sounded panicked but also in pain from the medicine Momo was putting on him.

"Sho I want you to be safe! I don't give a fuck if your father is after me I can beat him to a pulp! I want to be with you why don't you want to be with me" He only gives a weak smile.

"You don't think I don't want to run up to you and give you hugs and kisses. My father has eyes and ears everywhere he somehow has more power now than he did before and can and would kill you that is why you need to leave...please" I have never heard him so broken. I might kill that bitch but first to get him back. I give Momo a look before she moves so I can sit on the floor next to him.

"Baby I am never leaving you again" I said softly. I know anything about him it is that during his times of breakdowns the best thing to do was to be kind. That means I have to lower my voice and only say loving things. I know Momo has been through thick and thin with him but I don't think she knows how to specifically help his mental breakdowns or panic attacks. From the looks of him I think it might be a panic attack.

"Please don't leave me ever"

"Babe I am right here so are you." I needed to help him feel grounded.

"Momo get some ice he is not in the mental state to make any." She hurried away as I continued the loving words as he continued to cry and sputter out panicked words about his father. Momo finally came but with a cup full of ice. I took his hand gently and put the ice in his hand.

"You feel that babe it is ok. You are here you are ok and your father can't hurt you." He calmed down and eventually passed out. I held his hand until Momo put her hand on my shoulder.

"You should get some rest too. The spare room is the door to the right down the hallway and the bathroom right across." I nodded and left the sleeping Sho in Momo's care. I can't comprehend what happened. It is still a blur. All the tiredness of the past month suddenly weighed down on me. I didn't even care about the bathroom the bed was all I wanted.

Momo POV //

I haven't seen Shoto cry that much since the night he came crying to me about how he was forced to breakup with Bakugou. I would like to think that this never happened but I am not the victim here. It is Bakugou and Shoto. Shoto for the past month has been rebuilding the walls he had before and did a great job. He had avoided all mentions of Bakugou. He even put all his stuff that reminded him of Bakugou into my room cause he couldn't bare to look at it. With just seeing Bakugou tonight I knew it would break those walls and make him want to fight again. Though I am sure he will be mad at me I know he will get back with Bakugou and me with Kyoka. I went to my own bedroom and laid on the bed even though it was only about 2. Shoto was asleep so I know what that means but Bakugou doesn't. I should let him handle it cause I know he will...

Bakugou POV //

"KATSUKI!!!!" I shot up out of the bed. Who was that?

"PLEASE I SWEAR I'LL BE GOOD PLEASE.....!!" Sho. I run out of the room and to the living room where a shaking and sobbing Shoto was saying my name and begging for someone to stop. Fucking endeavor.

"Hey Sho it is all ok I am right here endeavor can't lay a finger on me.." I say calmly before shaking him awake. He immediately hugs me soaking the shirt that is soooooo very dirty.

"Ehh it is ok Sho you want to go back to sleep?" I am sure after everything that happened a moment ago he doesn't want to be with me and I hate to take advantage of him when he is in such a low place..

"no kat please.....i want to be with you....." I smile for a moment before carefully picking him off the bed not touching his fresh wounds. I carry him to the guest room and lay him in the bed next to me.

"Are you good now?" I tuck him more pulling him closer to me. He snuggled even closer before saying something.

"What?" He pulled away and looked at me. His tear-stained and puffy face.

"i am so sorry kat i was being so selfish only trying to save my own ass..." He was about to cry again. His tiny whispered voice cracking as he curls on himself.

"No sho you are perfect despite what that bitch says you are amazing and the only thing I regret is not trying to find out what was wrong." I pull him to me and kiss him on the head.

"i love you kat and i am so sorry..."

"i love you too Sho....."



The spaces were to make this chapter look longer even though it is not lol. Any way hopefully can type better now that I have my glasses and can fucking see. ~Tristan


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