Chapter 11

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Aizawa POV //

I had been kind of watching Shoto for a while. I feel so stupid. How could I not see that the bitch was back? Shoto is getting to good at hiding. We have to talk the moment we get there. However thanks to this fucking traffic it looks like we will never arrive.


"YESS" At this point I am used to my ears bleeding.

"Inside voice."

"sorry" He whispers. I roll my eyes at the dumbassity (yes I made that word up) of my lover.

"Anyway when do you think we will be at Momo's apartment?" He looked at me and gave me the same tired look I always have.

"The same amount of time that you asked a minute ago sleepy head" I sighed and leaned my head against the window. The only way that Hizashi and I know how to get to Momo's apartment so well is because the nerd never stops asking for us to come over and answer stupid questions. I really hope Shoto is ok. Scratch that he definitely isn't. Every since that bitch had his son he knew was the worst. Always hurting him. It took years of therapy to convince Shoto that he was going to be fine. After this whole thing Shoto might have to go back and I know he hates it there cause it is a constant reminder that his life is shit.

"Babe I know you are overthinking I am sure everything will be fine..."

"I know but I cant' help but worry..." I had known.

"Shoto?" I heard a quick shuffling in the bathroom. It was around two am and I had heard some noise coming from the bathroom. I stood out there for a minute or two before the toilet flushed. He opened the door. I could already tell that something was up. Tear stains were covering his face and his hands shaking.

"sorry I just needed to use the bathroom. i'll get out of the way.." I moved to give him a hug but he flinched. So I gently patted him on the back as he walked back to his room. I waited until he was back in his room before looking through the bathroom to see what he was doing. That is when I noticed a small box behind the chemicals under the sink.

"Shouta we are here!" I opened the car door now saddened over the memory that had resurfaced. I looked over at Momo's apartment. I could sense something was wrong. I know that Bakugou probably didn't take a car cause he doesn't have one so he must have fucking left early and... I look at Hizashi we both must have had the same thoughts. We took off running towards the apartment door. It was actually surprisingly small. Must be because of Jiro. I looked under the outside plant where Momo always kept her key and unlocked the door as fast as I could. Hizashi and I rushed in. We looked in astonishment as well noticed the puddles of water almost everywhere around the room.

Bakugou POV //

I was patrolling around. I was still super on edge about what happened and Kirishima had joined with me in patrol. I knew something was off.

"Bakugou?" I put my focus back to Kirishima who seemed to be worried.

"Tch what?"

"I am worried and not just about Todoroki. I am worried about you. I think you should leave and go check on him. I think it is dragging your performance down."

"You damn fool you don't even own my agency. Plus as much as I would love to I don't want to get my agency revoked for slacking." Fucking rules of being the number two.

"I'll cover for you."

"I don't think so-"


Shit forgot to put my phone on silent. I take it out of my pocket.


"Kiri I have to take this give me a sec." He nodded his head as I put the phone to my face.

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