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6 Days Since We Left Home

Brooke Keye's POV: 

    I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, a million thoughts occupying my brain. I sighed deeply, then glanced at the clock which read 4:48 in red, glowing numerals. I sighed again. It seemed like my thoughts were intent on keeping me awake.

    Pushing the blanket off of me, I sat up and stared at my door. Nothing sounded from the quiet house. I stood up and walked over to my window. Opening it as quietly as humanly possible, I slipped myself out and climbed up onto the roof. I had chosen this room specifically because the window was right below the roof and I could climb out easily. Of course, I didn't tell Mom that since I knew if she found out, my special spot would disappear just like that. 

    Sitting in the fresh air helped clear my mind. I swept my gaze across the city. None of it was familiar and I buried my head into my arms. 

    Why did we have to move!? 

    Tears fled down my cheeks but I ignored them, trying to take deep breaths. If I could just calm myself down... if I could just bury my sorrow and pain... The tears stopped coming and I looked back over the city. 

    This wasn't home. Home was exactly 2 hours and 39 minutes away or 3 hours and 25 minutes away if we wanted to avoid tolls. Yes - I looked it up on google maps. I stared up at the stars, inwardly screaming. 

    WHY did we have to move?!

    I stood up and headed back to my room. I didn't want to think about this right now. It only made me hurt for all that I had lost. Why was it always so much easier to linger on what we've lost instead of what we've gained? Well, that's if we did gain something. Moving to Nashville was, as my mom put it, 'a huge opportunity for our family.' I slipped back under my covers and felt the anger rise up in my chest. 


    If Mom and Dad had just waited a few days before saying we were moving and accepting the job here in Nashville, we could have stayed... I turned onto my side and pushed every thought of home to the back of my mind. 

    I needed to sleep and there were only a few more hours left until morning.

    When sleep finally claimed me, my dreams were all flashbacks - reminding me of our last days at home.


    "Kids - can you come in here?"  my dad called.

    A smile on my face, I raced into the living room, beating both of my brother's there. I plopped myself onto the couch and asked, "What's up?" 

    My dad wasn't smiling so my own mouth straightened into a line.

    "You kids know that I've been looking for a different job. Well... I've been looking in other places than here and I've been offered a  part-time job in Nashville, Tennessee - it's exactly what I've been looking for. I feel like God is really pushing me towards this job but we don't know if we'll accept so don't tell anyone yet, okay?" 


    "We've decided to take the job... we'll move in August. We'll go and get boxes soon and start packing the things that aren't as important..." My only thought: How am I going to tell everyone all this in an email?!


    I stacked my books inside the first box and felt a hint of sadness as my favorite books started disappearing beneath others. The moving date was looming closer and closer and I wasn't sure how to react anymore...

    The doorbell sounded and I leaped up, then raced to the door. I flung open the door and found my friends standing on my doorstep. I smiled and ushered them in saying, "Thanks so much for coming on such short notice, guys. I can't even imagine what an email like that could have been like..." 

    One of my friends, Hanna, sighed, "I can't believe you're moving to Nashville of all the places!" 

    I nodded, "Yeah, I know. It's even more upsetting that Dad was offered a job here three days after he accepted this one. If we had waited then we could have stayed..." 


    Hanna was walking away from me and I stared at her back - unsure of how to feel. She turned around before stepping into her mom's car and waved. We met eyes and I wasn't sure whether to cry or smile. I was empty. Empty of emotions and choice...

Why did we have to move?

A/N: Like I've said before, this is sorta based on a true story. I moved from Indiana to Ohio about two years ago and it was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. However, it brought me closer than I've ever been to God in those times of sorrow. So, this story may feel a bit more realistic since I am going through and I've gone through the same thing Brooke is going through in this story. However, of course, my neighbor isn't someone famous... (Foreshadowing...) 😉 

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